Track - Trace ZIM by container number. Get Latest status of your Shipment by Container Tracking ServiceTracking shipments from logistics companies worldwide easy now. Track - Trace your ZIM Shipment by using our free advanced tracking system and get latest updates of your shipment / Parcel / ...
请在上方搜索文本框中输入以星航运集装箱号(ZIM ContainerNo),点击"跟踪"按钮,查询以星航运集装箱信息。 如果在本网站查询不到以星航运的集装箱信息,请您到以星航运船公司官网查询,或者与我们联系! 支持以星航运集装箱查询格式:ZIMU1234567 或 ZCSU1234567 或 ZCLU1234567 或 ZMOU1234567 注册成为本网站会员,...
Insert B/L, Booking or container number Please enter up to 10 reference numbers separated by a comma, space or enter.Trace your shipments by container, B/L or Booking number(s)Dear Customer, the information presented on ZIM’s tracking tool is based on various data sources, including third...
搜索 Container Number 搜索值 搜索新聞 客戶諮詢 News 航運新聞(法規) 關於ZIM 航線和路徑 貨運服務 數位化解決方案 Whistleblower 投資者 ZIM Ventures 有用的信息 幫助 驗證總品質常見問題解答 容器目錄 報價條款和條件 預訂確認條款 提單(B/L)條款和條件 海運單 聯絡我們 Global Network 客戶反饋表 Who...
ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. is one of the leading carriers in the global container shipping industry. ZIM operates a modern fleet and a network of shipping lines offering cargo transportation services on all major global trade routes, supported
• Continuous tracking of each container, on board or on land. • Ongoing maintenance of ZIM containers fleet incompliance with international standards of quality and safety. Container's Identity Plate & Safety Approval Data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Custom Seal Approval Number 2. Manufacturer...
This version offers easy access to manage your shipments online, real time container tracking, vessel schedules and local contacts. ZIM’s mobile application ena…
简介 This version offers easy access to manage your shipments online, real time container tracking, vessel schedules and local contacts. ZIM’s mobile application enables easy and intuitive access to a large range of cargo shipping services, just for you, including myZIM Personal Area, Container ...
The expansion of the refrigerated container fleet will support the growing demand for ZIMonitor, ZIM's premium reefer cargo tracking service ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. (IL0065100443; IL0065100856) today announced the expansion of its refrigerated container fleet in order to answer the dema...
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