Track - Trace your ZIM Shipment by using our free advanced tracking system and get latest updates of your shipment / Parcel / Courier / ePacket instantly on your screen. We are provides Container Tracking, EMS Tracking, Courier Tracking & Ari Cargo Tracking Service. In case you don’t get ...
跟踪货件 请输入提单号,订舱号或箱号 请最多输入10个编号(订舱号、提单号或集装箱号均可),用逗号、空格或回车键隔开。通过箱号,提单号或订舱号来追踪您的货物Dear Customer, the information presented on ZIM’s tracking tool is based on various data sources, including third party data sources. There...
跟蹤貨物 (Track a Shipment) 請輸入提單號,訂艙號或櫃號 請最多輸入10個編號(訂艙號、提單號、或貨櫃號均可),用逗號、空格鍵或輸入鍵隔開。請輸入櫃號, 提單號或訂艙號追蹤您的貨物Dear Customer, the information presented on ZIM’s tracking tool is based on various data sources, including third ...
查看我們所有的航運線,找到未來4個月以內任何航線的時間表。 通過名稱或代碼查詢特定船隻,瞭解路線的詳細資訊。 或者查看所有停泊在港口–到港和離港,的ZIM船隻。 我們還為EU24船舶提供ETA,方便參考。 如果您的貨物正在運輸中,請使用我們的查找貨運工具來檢查其進度。
Tracking: ACLU container tracking Company: ATLANTIC CONTAINER LINE Tracking: ACXU container tracking Company: GRIEG STAR SHIPPING AS Tracking: ...
ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. is one of the leading carriers in the global container shipping industry. ZIM operates a modern fleet and a network of shipping lines offering cargo transportation services on all major global trade routes, supported
ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. is one of the leading carriers in the global container shipping industry. ZIM operates a modern fleet and a network of shipping lines offering cargo transportation services on all major global trade routes, supported
The expansion of the refrigerated container fleet will support the growing demand for ZIMonitor, ZIM's premium reefer cargo tracking service ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. (IL0065100443; IL0065100856) today announced the expansion of its refrigerated container fleet in order to answer the dema...
online, real time container tracking, vessel schedules and local contacts. ZIM’s mobile application enables easy and intuitive access to a large range of cargo shipping services, just for you, including myZIM Personal Area, Container Tracking, Find Your Route, Vessels Schedule, Find Local ...
ZIM INTEGRATED SHIPPING SERVICES LTD. 专为iPhone 设计 免费 iPhone 截屏 简介 This version offers easy access to manage your shipments online, real time container tracking, vessel schedules and local contacts. ZIM’s mobile application enables easy and intuitive access to a large range of cargo shipp...