Measure-Command {D:\mynim.exe} 可见运行速度都差不多,但问题是java,c#,go都可能会gc开销在这个程序中体现不出来。 看内存占用,zig,nim,c语言,rust语言差不多在0.3MB以下,差不多同一层次 go语言在1.3MB,c#在1.7MB在差不多同一层次上 java内存占用最高达到了10多MB。 其中zig,nim,c语言,rust语言是编译成...
编译速度非常快,至少相比Rust快了很多,得益于简单的语法和编译时检查机制。Zig没有ownership和lifetime的概念,它只有comptime的概念,comptime和其它类型一样,唯一不同的是comptime会在编译期间求值。Rust的复杂概念很大程度上是为了在编译时查出内存分配的问题,但是Zig仍然是丢给一个强大的测试用的memory allocator来解决...
1 活跃用户 zig 0条嘟文·0人讨论·今日0条嘟文 10月23日 Lesley Some thoughts on RAII triggered by the recent#zigvs#rustdiscourse: I think it is unfair to say that the proponents of RAII don't know its shortcomings. We could totally know the same tradeof...
The learning curve is mostly flat, and that is pretty huge. This is especially because I can’t help but compare Zig to Rust. I spent alotof effort understanding Rust, but I had spent almost no cycles trying to grok Zig. It was simple, obvious and quite clear. In terms of power, mi...
ZigNim Syntax StylesRust-likePython-like BackendLLVM or Self-hostedC Compiler or Self-Hosted Code GenerateSupport in futureSupported Standard LibraryGeneralNumerous Memory ManagementManualMulti-paradigm GC FFIDirectlySupport Translate C toThisLangOfficialThird-Party ...
Zig 是硬件友好的,但它是最小的、安全的、语法上类似 Rust 的和现代的。因此,开发人员可以比 C 更...