虽然Zig更类似于传统的编程语言,如C和C++,但它像Rust一样注重内存安全和效率。然而,与Rust不同的是,Zig与现有的C和C++代码整合良好,无需像FFI这样的外部机制来简化互操作性。 与Rust、C和C++一样,Zig不使用垃圾收集器。为了实现类似Rust的内存安全性,Zig提供了促进内存安全的机制,例如: 严格的编译时检查 用于处...
虽然Zig更类似于传统的编程语言,如C和C++,但它像Rust一样注重内存安全和效率。然而,与Rust不同的是,Zig与现有的C和C++代码整合良好,无需像FFI这样的外部机制来简化互操作性。 与Rust、C和C++一样,Zig不使用垃圾收集器。为了实现类似Rust的内存安全性,Zig提供了促进内存安全的机制,例如: 严格的编译时检查 用于处...
https://zackoverflow.dev/writing/unsafe-rust-vs-zig/ https://blog.logrocket.com/comparing-rust-vs-zig-performance-safety-more/ 总结: 对于大型项目,底层用zig来代替unsafe rust 再往上层抽象时,使用rust,获得编译时检查错误。 嵌入式,控制硬件:zig 保证并发/安全/与人代码合作:rust zig适合初期/个人开发...
It’s well-known for its focus on performance, reliability, and productivity. Strengths of Rust Memory Safety: Rust offers memory safety without the need for a garbage collector, reducing runtime overhead. Concurrent Programming: It allows for safe concurrent programming, thanks to its ownership ...
edit:according to dave(the youtuber) the programs were tested in a 32 thread computer. i checked the top c++ program on the GitHub, which is single thread program. can anyone check if the rust and zig programs single/multi threaded? if you don't know zig/rust just find the keywords fo...
Following these is computer vision at $166,873, SystemVerilog with $165,832, Mesos with $165,788, Rust at $165,637, and Elixir is in tenth place with $165,245. Not too shabby. Ready to increase your earning power? Start browsingThe House of Talent Job Board today...
just check shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0} env: CARGO_TERM_COLOR: always CARGO_REGISTRIES_CRATES_IO_PROTOCOL: sparse CARGO_BUILD_TARGET: aarch64-unknown-linux-musl tools: just,cargo-hack CACHE_ON_FAILURE: false CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 0 JUST_USE_CARGO_ZIGBUILD: true env RUSTFLAGS='', CARGO='...
These improve performance because methods are just like regular methods on structs, not fucntion pointers that require an additional lookup. syntax for interfaces should clearly be const some_interface = interface { fn foo () i32; some_int: i32; ...
It would be great if we don't end like rust in that regard as its sacrificing customizability for simplicity without a way to opt-out as its at the lang level. Under your model, if we cancel an awaiting frame, the defers in the awaited frame would run, but not in the cancelled ...
fn inc(x: *i32) void { x.* += 1; } addOperator('+', inc); // vs addOperator('+', fn(x: *i32) void { x.* += 1; }); Coming from C++ / Rust, I would also want comptime function parameters. In the example below, func would uniquely identify a fn or a closure, it...