“Gentry of Hermitage”event wish bannerto get him and the new four-star Pyro Catalyst userYanfei. We all know how tiresome it is to level up a character inGenshin Impact. To help players out, with this article, we will share Talent, XP and Ascension materials required to max out ...
What are Zhongli’s talent materials? Here’s what you need to grab in order to get each of Zhongli’s talents to level ten. Here’s where to find the items you need to upgrade Zhongli’s talents: Slime condensate, slime secretions, slime concentrate-these items drop from slime enemies i...
Talent Leveling MaterialsGained from Enemy Drops (Slimes):Slime Condensate Slime Secretions Slime ConcentrateAcquired from Domains (Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday):Teachings of Gold Guide to Gold Philosophies of GoldObtained after defeating Bosses (Childe Challenge):...
Zhongli Talent Priority Support characters have always had a special place inGenshin Impactsince you might get a better DPS in the future, but the shields and damage bonuses provided by a certain support won't be repeated. This is especially true when it comes to one of the most broken ove...
Zhongli Talent PriorityWhen it comes to levelling Zhongli’s Talents, you absolutely want to focus on his Elemental Skill first and foremost. This is what increases Zhongli’s shield capabilities, which is the best thing about him. His Burst should be levelled next since it is a source of ...