Talent Level Up Materials required to max out Zhongli’s Talents Here is the list of items that you need to max out Zhongli’s Talents. Also Remember maxing out talents means you have Crown Zhongli. Teaching of Gold X 9 Guide to Gold X 63 ...
Unlocking new constellations improves how a character performs in battle. You level up Zhongli’s constellations by using the Stella Fortuna you obtain when receiving a duplicate Zhongli while making a wish, if you’re lucky like that. What are Zhongli’s ascension materials? If you want Zhongli...
He offers the strongest shields in the game and you will notice a huge difference in combat when using him. Check out our other build guides for Genshin Impact, including the best builds for Lynette, and where to find Lyney’s Ascension materials to level him up....
Talent Leveling MaterialsGained from Enemy Drops (Slimes):Slime Condensate Slime Secretions Slime ConcentrateAcquired from Domains (Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday):Teachings of Gold Guide to Gold Philosophies of GoldObtained after defeating Bosses (Childe Challenge):...
Still, it’s hard to pass up the increased HP that few other weapons can reliably offer. A base increase to Zhongli’s most important stat is hard to say no to, even if it doesn’t have much else to offer. Materials To fully ascend the Black Tassel, you will need the following m...
Ascension Materials For Navia All Genshin Impact: Complete Guide Next Best Weapons For Zhongli Live-Service Games Genshin Impact Follow Like Share Trending Now Call Of Duty SBMM Designer Admits System "Punishes Players For Being Good" 10 Best Games Of Steam Next Fest 2025 ...