"Zero hours" 通常指的是“零时合同”(zero-hours contract)。零小时合同是一种雇佣安排,其中雇主不...
这种雇佣方式就叫zero hours contract(零时工合同)。 The concept of a zero hours contract (also sometimes zero hour contract) is effectively a situation which allows employers to hire staff but give them no guarantee of work. Such contracts mean that employees only work as and when required, so ...
zero-hours(零时工合同,1988年),在英国指不包括雇员固定工作保障的雇佣合同。来自权威《牛津英语辞典》(The Oxford English Dictionary,简称OED)最新更新版
zero-hours contract Wikipedia or zero-hour contract n (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) an employment contract which does not oblige the employer to provide regular work for the employee, but requires the employee to be on call in the event that work becomes available ...
zero hours contract 零时工合同 The concept of a zero hours contract (also sometimes zero hour contract) is effectively a situation which allows employers to hire staff but give them no guarantee of work. Such contracts mean that employees only work as and when required, so that they are ...
zero-hours contract 则代表“零时工合同” 一种新型雇佣方式,员工只在有任务时工作 随叫随到,依工时拿报酬 通常不包括带薪病假或年假 🌰例句: Thousands of workers in the UK are on zero-hours contracts. 在英国,成千上万的工人签的是...
A further 139,000 people in the health and social work sector are on a zero-hours contract, representing 3.6 per cent of the workforce. By comparison, only a small percentage of construction workers are employed on a zero-hours basis - only 1.2 per cent of the industry's workforce as of...
JeremiasPrassl AssociateProfessor MagdalenCollege UniversityofOxford Zero-HoursContracts TheLimitsofEmploymentLaw in RegulatingPrecariousWork(?) RDW2015 ILO,GENEVA 27April2015 OUTLINE TheZeroHoursContract DrJeremiasPrasslPage2 ‘Beforeconsideringtheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofzero-hours contracts,letmemakeabasicpoint...
In 2024, there were approximately 1.03 million people on zero hours contracts in the United Kingdom, compared with 1.22 million in the previous year. Since 2000 there has been a net increase of 805,000 people on this type of employment contract. ...
(2015). The `Zero-Hours Contract': Regulating Casual Work, or Legitimating Precarity? University of Oxford Legal Research Paper Series, February 2015.Adams, A., M. R. Freedland, and J. Prassl. 2015. The `Zero-Hours Contract': Regulating Casual Work, or Legitimating Precarity?. ELLN ...