A wide variety of experimental conductance spectra in high-T<sub>c</sub> superconductors can be explained by a theory of proximity-electron-tunneling spectroscopy (PETS) for d-wave superconductors. From a solution of the Bogoliubov–de Gennes equation, the conductance spectra of the PETS are prov...
2 Known in Spanish as the Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima (PNIEC), Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Spain, 2020. 3 Metric megatons of CO2 equivalent. Net-zero Spain: Europe's decarbonization...
Ventura House / Arquitetura Nacional Exofood Retail and Lab / space+craft X2 Oceanphere Pattaya Villa Resort / Creative Crews Sintered Stone - Calacatta Luxe | Neolith AM Apartment / TwoBo arquitectura Guaianaz House / Terra e Tuma Arquitetos Associados The Big Family House / ARCHISPEK...
[33]. The uncertainties in the predictions for the total cross sections for the other background processes are applied as normalisation uncertainties and are: 5% for each of the W/Z +jets and diboson processes, +5%/−4% for single- top-quark production, 15% for tt¯ + γ /W/Z ...
Imunidade relativa à poliomielite em crianças de zero a dez anos, após o 'Quarto Dia Nacional de Vacinação Contra a Poliomielite' com a vacinação oral trivalente, tipo Sabin, em área da Região da Grande São Paulo, SP (Brasil), 1982 Relative immunity to poliomyelitis ...
Beyond Ground ZeroRobert Darer
2月15日(今天) 2月16日(周日) 2月17日(周一) 2月18日(周二) 2月19日(周三) -9℃/-5℃ 白天:轻雪 夜间:阴郁 西北风 微风 -13℃/-6℃ 白天:雪 夜间:大部分多云 西北风 微风 -13℃/-7℃ 白天:阴郁 夜间:间歇性多云 西北风 微风 -7℃/-5℃ 白天:多云 夜间:轻雪 西南风 3-4级 -...
How to Pay Zero Taxes 2012: Your Guide to Every Tax Break the IRS Allows!The revised, updated edition of the popular guide that helps anyone save thousands at tax timeSchnepperJeffBusiness Expert Press
Recent studies have shown Cu(0) as a promising material for the removal of organic and inorganic pollutants. However, there is no review addressing the studies performed. This fact may be related to the toxicity of the particles and the copper released in solution that has not motivated researc...
sub-millimetre-scale cross-bedding that indicates bottom currents, and are likely due to the movement of wave energy—including tsu- nami and/or seiches—in the days after the impact. The fine grain size (primarily clay to silt, with some sand-sized grains concentrated in the ...