(DALL-E)Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation 引用:Ramesh A, Pavlov M, Goh G, et al. Zero-shot text-to-image generation[C]//International conference on machine learning. Pmlr, 2021: 8821-8831. 论文链接:[2102.12092] Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation (arxiv.org) 代码链接:https://github....
本文也就是DALL·E,用3.3 million image-text pairs训练了一个12B参数的autoregressive transformer,实现了高质量可控的text to image,同时也有zero-shot的能力 project page Method 自回归式的模型处理图片的时候,如果直接把像素拉成序列,当成image token来处理,如果图片分辨率过高,一方面会占用过多的内存,另一方面Likel...
仅使用图像模态信息,训练一个dVAE,latent特征即visual codebook。好处:将256x256图像特征降维至32x32的image tokens(每个token的embedding dim为8192),提升了低频语义信息占比,降低了计算量。 Stage2: Learning the Prior 第一阶段dVAE模型是fixed,image tokens与text token concat之后输入Transformer。 Q: prior modul...
Zero-Shot:对于GPT-3来说,我们可以指示它仅根据描述和提示执行多种任务,来生成我们想要的答案,而无需任何额外的培训。例如,当提示“here is the sentence 'a person walk his dog in the park' translated into French: ”时,GPT-3 会回答“un homme qui promène son chien dans le parc”。这种能力称为...
Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation A. Ramesh, Mikhail Pavlov, Gabriel Goh, Scott Gray, Chelsea Voss, Alec Radford, Mark Chen, I. Sutskever 2021 CogView: Mastering Text-to-Image Generation via Transformers Ming Ding, Zhuoyi Yang, Wenyi Hong, Wendi Zheng, Chang Zhou, Da Yin, Junyang...
MultiGen: Zero-Shot Image Generation fromMulti-modal Prompts The field of text-to-image generation has witnessed substantial advancements in the preceding years, allowing the generation of high-quality images based s... Wu, Zhi-Fan,Huang, Lianghua,Wang, Wei,... - European Conference on Computer...
关键词:Zero-shot, Image-to-Image Translation, pretrained model, BLIP, CLIP, GPT-3, diffusion model, training-free, prompting-free 阅读理由:zero-shot+I2I真的很有吸引力,图1效果也很好 Idea 输入图片x根据DDIM的前向过程得到噪声 xinvxinv ,再用BLIP+CLIP为x生成对应的文本嵌入c,根据源域、目标域描述...
Implementation of Zero-Shot Image-to-Text Generation for Visual-Semantic Arithmetic - YoadTew/zero-shot-image-to-text
ZONE: Zero-Shot Instruction-Guided Local Editing Arxiv PaperAbstractRecent advances in vision-language models like Stable Diffusion have shown remarkable power in creative image synthesis and editing. However, most existing text-to-image editing methods encounter two obstacles: First, the text prompt ...
大家好,今天我们要聊的是人工智能领域中的一个神奇概念——零样本学习(Zero-Shot Learning),这个听起来有点科幻的技术其实已经悄然改变了我们对机器智能的认知。想象一下,如果AI无需预先接触过某个类别样本就能准确识别它,是不是很不可思议?接下来,我们就以通俗易懂的方式,揭开零样本学习的神秘面纱。