引用:Ramesh A, Pavlov M, Goh G, et al. Zero-shot text-to-image generation[C]//International conference on machine learning. Pmlr, 2021: 8821-8831. 论文链接:[2102.12092] Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation (arxiv.org) 代码链接:https://github.com/openai/DALL-E 简介 传统上,文本到图像生成...
Distributed Optimization,分布式训练,采用parameter sharding、PowerSGD(像是一种低秩分解) Sample Generation,生成结果的时候,生成N个image结果,用一个预训练好的contrastive model(其实就是CLIP)判断text和image 匹配分数,选择分数最高的那个,论文中采用N=512 Results 效果很好,同时在MSCOCO上 zero-shot的表现也很好;CU...
Zero-shot text-image generation其实就是给文本生图像的任务,文章中使用的都是FID与IS等图像生成的评估指标。 图像生成评估指标 IS(Inception Score)是什么? FromChatGPT(提示词:图像生成评估指标 Inception Score是什么?) Inception Score(简称IS)是一个用于评估生成对抗网络(GANs)生成图像质量的客观指标。它由Tim ...
Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation A. Ramesh, Mikhail Pavlov, Gabriel Goh, Scott Gray, Chelsea Voss, Alec Radford, Mark Chen, I. Sutskever 2021 CogView: Mastering Text-to-Image Generation via Transformers Ming Ding, Zhuoyi Yang, Wenyi Hong, Wendi Zheng, Chang Zhou, Da Yin, Junyang...
MultiGen: Zero-Shot Image Generation fromMulti-modal Prompts The field of text-to-image generation has witnessed substantial advancements in the preceding years, allowing the generation of high-quality images based s... ZF Wu,L Huang,W Wang,... - European Conference on Computer Vision 被引量:...
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Zero-shot talking avatar generation aims at synthesizing natural talking videos from speech and a single portrait image. Previous methods have relied on domain-specific heuristics such as warping-based motion representation and 3D Morphable Models, which limit the naturalness and diversity of ...