Zero- and Few-shot Named Entity Recognition and Text Expansion in Medication Prescriptions using ChatGPT Introduction: Medication prescriptions are often in free text and include a mix of two languages, local brand names, and a wide range of idiosyncratic form... N Isaradech,A Riedel,W Siri...
- 另一个新的零样本学习的基准是**Zero-Shot Learning—A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly**,它是一个对现有零样本学习方法进行了全面评估和分析的工作,提出了一个统一的评估协议和数据划分,涵盖了13个不同领域和任务的数据集。它的基准是根据模型在未见类别上的分类准确率和泛化能...
Zero-shot evaluation measures the likelihood of a trained model producing a given set of tokens and does not require any labelled training data, which allows researchers to skip expensive labelling efforts. We’ve upgraded the AutoTrain infrastructure for this project so that large models can be...
论文分享:BEIR A Heterogeneous Benchmark for Zero-shot Evaluation of Information Retrieval Models 分享论文,夹带个人理解的分享,建议结合原论文看。 1 研究背景 本论文主要关注的领域是query-document检索(下文简称qd检索),即根据query去文档库里找到最相关的文档。相比相似句匹配,query和document是异质的,document比较...
"""GPT2 zero-shot evaluation.""" """GPT zero-shot evaluation.""" import math @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from megatron import get_tokenizer from megatron import mpu from megatron.checkpointing import load_checkpoint from megatron.model import GPT2Model, GPT2ModelFirstStage, GPT2ModelLastStage, GP...
^MIT, Any-Play: An Intrinsic Augmentation for Zero-Shot Coordination, AAMAS, 2022 ^MIT, Evaluation of Human-AI Teams for Learned and Rule-Based Agents in Hanabi, NeurIPS, 2021 ^FAIR, Nocturne: a scalable driving benchmark for bringing multi-agent le...
零样本学习 A Survey of Zero-Shot Learning - Settings, Methods and Applications 热度: URBAN RAIL TRANSIT-A Comprehensive Evaluation of Benefits 16 January 2012 热度: Mcgraw Hill - The Project Manager's Desk Reference 2Nd Edition A Comprehensive Guide To Project Planning, Scheduling, Evaluation, And...
Prompt-“设计提示模板:用更少数据实现预训练模型的卓越表现,助力Few-Shot和Zero-Shot任务” 通过设计提示(prompt)模板,实现使用更少量的数据在预训练模型(Pretrained Model)上得到更好的效果,多用于:Few-Shot,Zero-Shot 等任务。 1.背景介绍 prompt 是当前 NLP 中研究小样本学习方向上非常重要的一个方向。举例来..."Training/evaluation parameters{training_args}") # 加载分词器 tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained( ( # 如果有指定分词器,则使用指定的分词器,否则使用模型名称 dataset_args.tokenizer_name_or_path ifdataset_args.tokenizer_name_or_path ...
Zero-shot dialogue understanding aims to enable dialogue to track the user's needs without any training data, which has gained increasing attention. In this work, we investigate the understanding ability of ChatGPT for zero-shot dialogue understanding tasks including spoken language understanding (SLU...