3. 承诺方案(Commitment Scheme):- 一种允许证明者承诺一个值,但暂时不揭示它的机制。在稍后的时间点,证明者可以揭示这个值,而验证者可以验证这个值是否与之前的承诺一致。4. 交互性:- 在某些零知识证明中,证明者和验证者之间需要进行多轮的问答,以确保证明的有效性。5. 知识假设(Knowledge Assumption)...
小明和小红之间最开始那种互动式的证明方法暗指的是交互式零知识证明(interactive zero-knowledge proof)。交互式零知识证明需要验证方(小红)在证明方(小明)放好答案(commitment)后,不断的发送随机试验。如果验证和证明双方事先串通好,那么他们就可以在不知道真实答案的情况下开挂(simulate/forge a proof)。...
零知识证明的概念在上世纪八十年代就出现了,而zkSNARKs则是随着区块链的兴起而火起来的,只不过很多人接触零知识证明是从区块链开始的,而且也局限在区块链当中,所以误以为零知识证明等价于zkSNARKs。 Bulletproof[4] 是用于证明一个保密的或承诺的数在给定范围之内,这种证明的学术名词叫范围证明(range proof)。范围...
零知识证明(Zero-Knowledge Proof) 零知识证明(Zero Knowledge Proof)指的是,证明的人可以向验证的人,在不透露任何有用信息的情况下,使得验证者相信该结论是对的。 三种零知识证明技术:zk-SNARKs, Zk-STARKs和 BulletProofs 1、Bulletproofs 和 Zk-STARKs 不需要可信设置,zk-SNARKs则需要可信设置; zk-STARKs:通...
Zero knowledge proofRange proofSet membershipPrivacyBlockchainIn last years, there has been an increasing effort to leverage distributed ledger technology (DLT), including blockchain. One of the main topics of interest, given its importance, is the research and development of privacy mechanisms, as ...
zk-STARK (zero-knowledgescalable transparentargument of knowledge) 代表零知识的可扩展、透明知识证明,zk-SNARK (zero-knowledgesuccinct non-interactiveargument of knowledge) 代表零知识的简洁、非交互式知识证明。 这两种零知识技术都是非交互式的,这意味着代码可被部署且自动作用。
(英文)零知识证明 Zero-Knowledge Proofs BackGround Machine learning has become increasingly prominent and is widely used in various applications in practice. Despite its great success, the integrity of machine learning predictions and accuracy is a rising concern. The reproducibility of machine learning ...
Zero knowledge proof applications have been gaining popularity from quite some time now. But it’s not a new concept out on the blue. It’s been here for more than 20 years. Researchers have improved the output and efficiency of the system. ...
the authenticity of a specific claim. It enables a protocol to demonstrate to a verifier that a claim about certain confidential information is accurate without disclosing any critical information. The technology facilitates interactive as well as non-interactive zero-knowledge-proof appli...
零知识证明(Zero-Knowledge Proof, ZKP),是由S.Goldwasser、S.Micali及C.Rackoff在20世纪80年代初提出的,指的是证明者能够在不向验证者提供任何有用的信息的状况下,使验证者相信某个论断是正确的。 在数字世界中,我们经常需要证明一些事情的真实性,比如我们的身份、我们是否有权限查看某些资源或者是否满足某种条件...