zemax光学设计程序用户指南使用手册.pdf,ZEMAX® Optical Design Program User’s Guide Version 9.0 Focus Software, Incorporated P. O. Box 18228 Tucson, AZ 85731-8228 USA Tel. (520) 733-0130 Fax. (520) 733-0135 ZEMAX@ Important notice ZEMAX® is a registe
ZemaxPartDesigner UserManual April4th,2013 1|Page Contents Contents...1 WhatisZemaxPartDesigner?...
zemax-chinese-manual (光学软件zemax中文教程完.pdf,光学在线 ():介绍光学及相关的专业技术网站。 光电资讯网 ():提供专业、全面、及时光电资讯。 光电技术论坛 ():最热门中文光电专业技术讨论版。 注:此版本ZEMAX中文说明由光学在线网友elf提供! 目录第1章
ZemaxManual 下载积分:700 内容提示: ZEMAX®Optical Design ProgramUser’s GuideVersion 10.0Focus Software, IncorporatedP. O. Box 18228Tucson, AZ 85731-8228 USATel. (520) 733-0130Fax. (520) 733-0135support@focus-software.comwww.focus-software.com ...
usage : status = accosin the following return values are possible 0 : success -1 : user canceled operation or file not found if there are multiple .len files seperated with lib put commands as for a library dump, then each lens is saved as a .zmx file, and given the name in the ...
文章里大部分内容参考文档:OpticStudio_UserManual_en.pdf,ZMX文件在sample里类似模型基础上简化修改得到,ZMX 文件能从我的github下载: https://hengzhe.github.io/zemax_pop.html (注:pop 功能只有professional 和 premium版本能用) 目录: 非序列模式下的马赫-曾德尔干涉仪 ...
另外,有关磷光粉和荧光的讨论可以在设置选项卡(The Setup Tab)->编辑器组(Editors Group)(设置选项卡Setup Tab)->非序列组件编辑器(Non-sequential Component Editor)->体散射(Volume Physics)->磷光和荧光(Phosphors & Fluorescence)的帮助文件或PDF帮助文档:OpticStudio_UserManual_en.pdf中查看。
Now here is an important point to note. ZEMAX always maintains a separate copy of the lens data in the DDE server memory to that available to the user in the ZEMAX Lens Data Editor (LDE). This is a very good policy, since you don't want some DDE client coming in unexpectedly and ...