系统标签: zemax hpd started getting duhwkh lvhdv 3DJH RI *HWWLQJ6WDUWHG8VLQJ=(0$; 9HUVLRQ 7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV $%2877+,6*8,'( ,167$//,1*=(0$; ,167$//,1*7+(.(<'5,9(5 ,167$//,1*=(0$; /,&(16(&2'(6 1(7:25..(<6$1'&/,(176 7528%/(6+227,1* &8672...
getting_started_with_zemax.pdf 打开方式: adobe reader 9.0 资料大小: 3.34 mb 下载次数: 47 上传会员: yukifer 上传时间: 2011-04-20 本站网址: wiki.oecr.com 查看资料所在的主题 下载资料 欢迎下载本站资料,下载前请先登录您的社区账号。 zemax教程: 觉得好就回复 ...
Getting Started The User Interface: Fig 1-1. The complete Script View of the Zemax Part Designer user interface File: The “File” drop-down menu allows users to begin, save, load, build, or close ZPO (Zemax Part Object) or ZSO (Zemax Script Object) files. The Zemax Part Designer ...
As well as getting you started, this guide also points you to some of the other resources you can use to learn ZEMAX. In particular, the User's Manual is a detailed reference on all aspects of ZEMAX. It is supplied in PDF format and is found in ZEMAX by clicking on Help Manual. ...
Just a few things before getting started: These solutions are mostly written by optical engineers and not developers. Use them as a starting point and feel free to improve them. Comment on the post if you make an improvement or find something interesting that could be useful to other users!
Before getting started with the example, you should know how to specify system and surface properties in Zemax. If not, please refer to the following articles, Designing A Singlet in Zemax (/support/knowledgebase/How-To-Design-a-Singlet-Lens) and How to Tilt and Decenter a Sequential Optical...
optical systems design with zemax
reflectfrom thebottommirrorbeforereachingthetopimagesurface.Wewillcalculatethecorrect intensitiesatbothimagesurfaces,accountingforN-BK7bulkabsorption,Fresnellossesfrom thin-filmcoatedsurfaces,and50/50splittingfromidealcoatings. Beforegettingstartedwiththeexample,youshouldknowhowtospecifysystemandsurface propertiesinZemax....