// Yup validation for start date and time validationSchema: Yup.object({ start_date: Yup.date() .max(new Date(), intl.formatMessage({ id: 'start_date.error.max' })) .required(), start_time: Yup.string().required(), }) Step 3 Here's the fun bit - how to ensure that the end...
FF,Chrome测试并正常工作: var dates=[]; dates.push(new Date("2011/06/
If a ref or refs are provided, the ${resolved} interpolation can be used in the message argument to get the resolved values that were checked at validation time.let schema = yup.mixed().notOneOf(['jimmy', 42]); await schema.isValid(42); // => false await schema.isValid(new Date...
接下来,我们可以使用yup来创建一个验证模式(schema),其中包含了我们对最小年龄的要求。假设最小年龄为18岁,我们可以定义一个名为validationSchema的验证模式: 代码语言:txt 复制 const validationSchema = yup.object().shape({ birthday: yup.date().max(moment().subtract(18, 'years').toDate(), '必须满1...
If a ref or refs are provided, the ${resolved} interpolation can be used in the message argument to get the resolved values that were checked at validation time.let schema = yup.mixed().notOneOf(['jimmy', 42]); await schema.isValid(42); // => false await schema.isValid(new Date...
If a ref or refs are provided, the ${resolved} interpolation can be used in the message argument to get the resolved values that were checked at validation time.let schema = yup.mixed().notOneOf(['jimmy', 42]); await schema.isValid(42); // => false await schema.isValid(new Date...
我在React JS中工作。我需要使用Formik和Yup对一个数组字段进行验证,如下所示。验证条件是这样一种方式...
我在React JS中工作。我需要使用Formik和Yup对一个数组字段进行验证,如下所示。验证条件是这样一种方式...
If a ref or refs are provided, the ${resolved} interpolation can be used in the message argument to get the resolved values that were checked at validation time.let schema = yup.mixed().notOneOf(['jimmy', 42]); await schema.isValid(42); // => false await schema.isValid(new Date...
StartDate: yup .string() .trim() .required(requireMsg) .test( 'costStartDate', dateTestBeforeOtherDayMsg, dateTestBeforeOtherDay('costStopDate') ), cost: yup.number().required(requireMsg).test('price', ' Please enter a number greater than 0', greaterThanZero), }); return validation...