import valid from 'card-validator'; //import statement CreditCardNumber: Yup .string() .test('test-number', // this is used internally by yup 'Credit Card number is invalid', //validation message value => valid.number(value).isValid) // return true false based on validation .required()...
Yup验证const validationSchema = Yup</ 浏览2提问于2022-10-09得票数 -1 1回答 Yup条件对象验证无效 、 我试图为对象定义Yup验证--如果定义的兄弟关系被设置为true,则应该需要对象类型的字段,否则不需要const { object, string, number, date, booleanwhen('isBig', { then: object().required(), })传递...
Enhance user experience through tailored validation and tailored feedback through useful error messages. Enhance developer experience through code with high expressiveness. In case NaN values deserve a separate treatment, the number method should allow providing an error message to display in case the in...
If you check the original validation error, it has a property called params which should contain something like: params: { path: 'this', // or e.g 'someNestedObj.quantity` value: NaN, // <<< when cast to number originalValue: null, // <<< before cast to number (original) label:...
preventDefault(); try { await validationSchema.validate(touristPlace, { abortEarly: false }); dispatch(addPlace(touristPlace)); setTouristPlace({ name: "", address: "", rating: "", type: "", picture: null, idx: uuidv4(), }); setErrorLog({}); } catch (error) { const newError...
在下文中一共展示了number函数的10个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的TypeScript代码示例。 示例1: number ▲点赞 7▼ constcreateSizeValidation =(minSize:number=10) =>number() ...
检查字母:/[a-zA-Z]/ 检查数字:/\d/(\d是'any digit'的缩写)你可以修改你的代码,看起来像...
Formik is a flexible library. It allows you to decide when and how much you want to use it. We can control how much functionality of the Formik library we use. It can be used with HTML input fields and custom validation rules, or Yup and the custom components it provides. Formik makes...
When validation fails classHttpErrorextendsError{constructor(message:string,publicstatus:number){super(message);}}classBadRequestErrorextendsHttpError{constructor(message:string){super(message,400);}}"/",validation({body:schema},{yupOptions:{abortEarly:false},ErrorClass:BadRequestError}),(req...
Default error messages can be customized for when no message is provided with a validation test. If any message is missing in the custom dictionary the error message will default to Yup's one.import { setLocale } from 'yup'; setLocale({ mixed: { default: 'Não é válido', }, number...