Yunnan has the largest number of reported HIV/AIDS cases among all Chinese provinces, the reported prevalence of HIV among Yunnan men who have sex with men (MSM) passed 10%, while HIV incidence epidemic and molecular characteristics of new infected Yunnan MSM were not evaluated before. Methods ...
Mensularia lithocarpi is described and illustrated from Yunnan Province, southwestern China. Both morphological and phylogenetic evidence indicates the new species belongs to Mensularia. It is distinguished from two quite similar species, Mensularia nodulosa and M. hastifera, by the combination of ...
Objective To understand the prevalence of AIDS and related risk behaviors in men w ho have sex w ith men( MSM) in Qujing,Yunnan province. Methods During 2010-2013,MSM were recruited by snowball sampling,and a questionnaire survey w as conducted among them. Blood samples w ere taken from the...
Paleoproterozoic Yimen Group / zircon U-Pb age / Yimen area in central Yunnan / Kenorland supercontinent 滇中地区是研究扬子地台西缘前寒武纪地层的重要窗口,一直以来受到广大地质学者的青睐。1926年,朱庭祜将广泛出露于玉溪、晋宁、昆阳一带的浅变质地层称为昆阳层,划归寒武系[1];1942年,德国学者米士...
勐腊城南医院 is a hospital in Mengla, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. 勐腊城南医院 is situated nearby to the fire station 勐腊县森林消防中队, as well as near the police station 勐腊森林派出所.Map Directions Satellite Photo MapType: Hospital Category: health care Location: Mengla, Xishuangbanna, Southern ...
Iron isotopic compositions of siderite minerals from the carbonate rocks in the Mansa siderite deposit of Mengla County in Yunnan Province were studied for the first time in order to discuss the genesis and ore-forming environment of the deposit. Fe isotopes of siderite from the Mansa deposit sho...
热门天气 城市天气 今天天气 乡镇天气 PM2.5 历史天气 北京天气 上海天气 西安天气 沈阳天气 天津天气 重庆天气 定州天气 敦化天气 廊坊天气 东莞天气 张北天气 南昌天气 昆山天气 庄河天气 香港天气 吉安天气 滑县天气 亳州天气 佳木斯天气 昆明天气 本溪天气 乐山天气 双鸭山天气 扎兰屯天气 贵阳天气 惠州天气 宿迁...
昆明公交线路繁多,要到翠湖东门,首先要熟悉昆明翠湖东门的公交路线情况。从云南民族村到翠湖东门怎么走?图吧公交为您提供云南民族村及翠湖东门的公交驾乘信息,以及云南民族村及翠湖东门的相关信息。让您充分了解从云南民族村到翠湖东门怎么走最方便,得多久,如何乘车,打车费用多少等信息。具体路线如下: ...
大连 成都 武汉 西安 其他 薪资 3K以下 3K-5k 5K-10k 10K-20k 20K-40k 40K-60k 60K以上 自定义 刷新时间 不限 一天以内 三天以内 一周以内 一个月以内 经验 应届生 实习生 1年以内 1-3年 3-5年 5-10年 10年以上 妇科门诊招聘专场进行时 ...