Pronunciation Buttons Yudofu ('湯豆腐', is classified into pot dish), is known as Bean Curd Hot Pot in English, and 豆腐锅 (Dòufu guō) in Chinese. Rare : Japanese (日本語) 1.Other names Simmered Tofu, Tofu no Nabemono, Tofu Hot Pot. The general overview 2.The basic ingredients...
网络汤豆腐 网络释义 1. 汤豆腐 在日本我个人比较爱吃的日本东西是“汤豆腐”(YUDOFU),其实就是白水煮豆腐。我不是豆腐爱好者吗。|基于4个网页
外部播放此歌曲> 削除- Yudofu 专辑:Food and Musik -Japanese Food- 歌手:削除 纯音乐,请欣赏
Sample the simple pleasures of yudofu from fresh tofu made from the renowned underground water of Kyoto. The natural aroma and sweetness and softness that can be fully enjoyed in warm yudofu are exceptional.
Nabe (Nabemono) hot pot dishes are usually full of vegetables and fish and meat, but Yudofu is only Tofu. You could put some white long onions or mild fish like cod in the same pot, but then it becomes closer to regular Nabe. You may think it is a little boring, but Yudofu is ab...
yudofu 生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 英汉-汉英词典 AI解释 词组搭配 英语百科 中文百科 英语维基词典 全文检索 英汉-汉英词典 〈〉n. 腐 用户正在搜索 off-state,off-street,offtake,off-the-cuff,off-the-peg,off-the-record,off-the-shelf,off-the-wall,off-time,offtrack, ...
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yudofu by Reika DIMENSIONS 5616 x 3744px FILE TYPE JPEG CATEGORY Spices LICENSE TYPE StandardorExtended Standard License (Free trial) Extended License (S$107.21) Download with free trial SIMILAR KEYWORDS tofu japan dish pot casserole vapour spoon up condiment green onion winter warmChange...
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