很简单,添加-x参数即可只下载音频,添加--audio-format mp3就可以把下载下来的当音频视频转码为mp3,所以你如果喜欢某个Up的视频,但是只想下载声音: yt-dlp -x --audio-format mp3 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1PY4y1z7PX 使用:传入cookies 一些情况下,我们下载一些视频需要进行鉴权(比如:某视频平台需要...
--audio-quality QUALITY Specify ffmpeg audio quality to use when converting the audio with -x. Insert a value between 0 (best) and 10 (worst) for VBR or a specific bitrate like 128K (default 5) --remux-video FORMAT Remux the video into another container if necessary (currently supported:...
3. 下载指定分辨率 1.只下载音频 找m4a格式,列表越靠后越清晰。比如ID:140 | EXT:m4a | audio only yt-dlp -f140https://youtu.be/sKrT6mBrosc 2.下载音频转换成mp3(加上-x –audio-format参数) yt-dlp -f140 -x –audio-format mp3https://youtu.be/sKrT6mBrosc 3.下载视频(带音频)ID:22 | EX...
Audio + video in a suited format. It is not a problem to play the not suited formats with vlc, mpv, ... But I use DLNA via TV, most TVs does not know Opus. Provide verbose output that clearly demonstrates the problem Runyouryt-dlp command with-vUflag added (yt-dlp -vU <your com...
--audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 --embed-thumbnail --embed-metadata # 保存位置常用的一些模板 # - `%(title)s`:视频标题 # - `%(id)s`:视频id # - `%(ext)s`:文件扩展名 # - `%(uploader)s`:上传者名称 # - `%(upload_date)s`:上传日期 ...
使用YouTube 的 VP9 编解码器,此文件很可能是.webm扩展.opus名。 将视频另存为 MP3 文件 要将最高质量的音频保存为 mp3 文件,您需要--audio-format mp3定义-x提取音频 yt-dlp -f'ba'-x --audio-format mp3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ -o'%(id)s.%(ext)s' ===...
-x --audio-format mp3 // 查看视频支持的规格,举例比如 这个视频:RT8ukqunTEE,代码如下 ./yt-dlp RT8ukqunTEE -F // 下载分段视频的参数如下,举例,很长,注意双引号,前半部分的路径为你电脑的路径,请明辨 --split-chapters -o chapter:"/Users/wukongguoqu/Desktop/mydlp/%(uploader)s/%(title)s-%...
'format': 'bv+(ba[format_note*=original]/ba)' to select english specifically (even if it isn't the original language) or else fallback to best audio: 'format': 'bv+(ba[language^=en]/ba)' note that these auto-dubbed audio tracks are still new and yt-dlp isn't handling them prop...
yt-dlp -x --audio-format mp3 <url> #--audio-format mp3 表示将原音频转码为mp3格式 文件名一些常用的模板变量: 例如,“视频标题_上传者.ext”: yt-dlp -o "%(title)s_%(uploader)s.%(ext)s" <url> 调取cookies下载:--cookies-from-browser BROWSER ...
Please make sure the question is worded well enough to be understood When I want to download the audio from a video, I usually use: yt-dlp -x --audio-format mp3 *url* but I don't know how to do it using the python module yt_dlp. I searched inside the YoutubeDL.py file and di...