The date formats accepted are the same as --date --match-filters FILTER Generic video filter. Any "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" field can be compared with a number or a string using the operators defined in "Filtering Formats". You can also simply specify a field to match if the field is present, ...
For some reason, it now tries to download the default "bestvideo+bestaudio" format instead of just "bestaudio", and fails to merge at the "Merger" stage. Additionally, it seems to be trying to execute commands which seems to be Python functions and variables in the program that might hav...
yt-dlp -f 'bestvideo[height=2160]+bestaudio/best[height=2160]' <video_url> To download audio only (mp3 format) from a Youtube video, use the following command. yt-dlp -x --audio-format mp3 <video_url> To download a YouTube video in a specific format, use the following command. y...
To download a video as Audio i.e. extract audio from a video, use-xflag like below. yt-dlp -x You can also specify the output audio format using the-x --audio-formatflag. yt-dlp -x --audio-format mp3
renegotiation --no-check-certificates Suppress HTTPS certificate validation --prefer-insecure Use an unencrypted connection to retrieve information about the video (Currently supported only for YouTube) --add-header FIELD:VALUE Specify a custom HTTP header and its value, separated by a colon ":". ...
The date formats accepted are the same as --date --match-filters FILTER Generic video filter. Any "OUTPUT TEMPLATE" field can be compared with a number or a string using the operators defined in "Filtering Formats". You can also simply specify a field to match if the field is present, ...
Video Format Options:Yt-dlp lets you choose the video format you want to download, such as MP4, WebM, or FLV. You can also set the video quality and resolution. Subtitle Features:This yt-dlp option allows you to download subtitles (embed them) along with the video. You can specify the...
options have been changed so that higher resolution and better codecs will be now preferred instead of simply using larger bitrate. Furthermore, you can now specify the sort order using -S. This allows for much easier format selection than what is possible by simply using --format (examples)...
Allow extractors to specify section_start/end for clips Do not print progress tostderrwith-q Ensure pre-processor errors do not block video download Fix--simulate --max-downloads Improve error handling of bad config files Return an error code if update fails ...
--parse-metadata 'video:vcodec:^(?P<has_video>(?!none).+)$' Here you are parsing values for custom fieldshas_audioandhas_videoby using regex to match anything other than'none'. An audio-only format will have avcodecvalue of'none'(string) and a video-only format will have anacodecval...