2.youtube-dl的继承者yt-dlp的使用,先要安装yt-dlp https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases ,详细可参考:Mintimate:yt-dlp:轻松下载各平台视频,缓存视频又一途径19 赞同 · 4 评论文章 视频下载利器(二):yt-dlp,轻松下载各平台视频,缓存视频又一途径 - 雨月空间站 (mintimate.cn)www.mintim...
2. yt-dlp使用:需先安装yt-dlp,配置mpv.conf文件,将youtube-dl替换为yt-dlp。二、国内视频网站解析方案 推荐使用you-get作为视频解析引擎。步骤包括:安装you-get,使用其作为视频解析引擎,以避免更新滞后问题。三、优酷视频播放 对于优酷视频,由于版本问题,需要调整you-get的youku.py源码或直接修...
youku: Improve tudou.com support (#8160) by naginatana youtube: Fix bug with --extractor-retries inf (#8328) by Grub4K Downloader changes fragment: Improve progress calculation (#8241) by Grub4K Misc. changes cleanup: Miscellaneous: b634ba7 by bashonly, gamer191yt-dlp 2023.10.07Changelog ...
Breadcrumbs yt-dlp / supportedsites.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 1829 lines (1829 loc) · 56 KB Raw Supported sites 17live 17live:clip 1News: 1news.co.nz article videos 1tv:Первыйканал 20min 23video 247sports: (Currently broken) 24tv.ua 3qsdn: 3Q...
dlp/yt-dlp/releases/latest Latest version: stable@2024.07.16 from yt-dlp/yt-dlp yt-dlp is up to date (stable@2024.07.16 from yt-dlp/yt-dlp) [youku] Extracting URL: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTgzMTg1NDg0NA==.html [youku] XNTgzMTg1NDg0NA: Retrieving cna info [youku] ...
yt-dlp is ayoutube-dlfork based on the now inactiveyoutube-dlc. The main focus of this project is adding new features and patches while also keeping up to date with the original project NEW FEATURES Differences in default behavior INSTALLATION ...
对pip下载的 you-get,我们修改 youku.py源码 ccode为0564,即可实现用you-get来播放和下载优酷的视频了。如果下载的是作者直接发布的you-get执行程序,则照样会报如上的ccode参数错误,所以需要编译以后才能用。 importsysimportyou_get defdownload(url,path):#sys.argv=['you-get','--format=mp4hd','-o',...
对pip下载的 you-get,我们修改 youku.py源码 ccode为0564,即可实现用you-get来播放和下载优酷的视频了。如果下载的是作者直接发布的you-get执行程序,则照样会报如上的ccode参数错误,所以需要编译以后才能用。 import sys import you_get def download(url, path):#sys.argv = ['you-get', '--format=mp4...
You can install yt-dlp using one of the following methods: Using the release binary You can simply download thecorrect binary filefor your OS:[Windows] [UNIX-like] In UNIX-like OSes (MacOS, Linux, BSD), you can also install the same in one of the following ways: ...
youku: Improve error message (#6690) by carusocr youporn: Extract m3u8 formats by pukkandan youtube Add client name to format_note when -v (#6254) by Lesmiscore, pukkandan Add extractor-arg include_duplicate_formats by pukkandan Bypass throttling for -f17 by pukkandan Construct fragment ...