youtube-dl时不时抽个疯。维护也不怎么及时。最近看到有人推荐说yt-dlp可以替代。 根据github上yt-dlp/yt-dlp的说明,我觉着在Linux上最方便的安装方式是: python3 -m pip install -U yt-dlp (这个应该会安装到用户目录,需要export PATH=$PATH:~/bin:~/.local/bin。不想折腾PATH的话还是安装时sudo) 装好...
You can use yt-dlp -U to update if you are using the release binaries If you installed with pip, simply re-run the same command that was used to install the program For other third-party package managers, see the wiki or refer to their documentation There are currently three release chan...
yt-dlp -S res:144 --write-subs --sub-langs zh --merge-output-format mp4解释:选项和参数解释 -S res:144 视频的分辨率:144p --write-subs 下载视频同时下载字幕 --sub-langs zh 字幕的语言为zh --merge-output-format mp4 输出格式为mp4...
list=WL', ''] [debug] Loading archive file '/config/archive.txt' [debug] Encodings: locale UTF-8, fs utf-8, out utf-8, pref UTF-8 [debug] yt-dlp version 2021.08.10 (zip) [debug] Python version 3.9.5 (CPython ...
defdownload(url,path):#sys.argv=['you-get','--format=mp4hd','-o',path,url]#sys.argv=['you-get','-u',url]#sys.argv=['you-get','--c=./cookies.sqlite','-u',url]sys.argv=['you-get','-p "mpv" --start=43',url]you_get.main()if__name__=='__main__':# 视频网站的...
yt-dlp 只能下载完整视频,不支持下载指定视频的时间段。而 ffmpeg 可以从输入的视频中截取指定时间段,即使输入的视频是网络链接而非本地文件。 yt-dlp 加上 -g 参数可以只打印出视频下载链接而不下载视频。所...
![picture.image]( (active poll),执行 poll 方法的是运行在某个或者所有 CPU 上的内核线程(kernel thread),一旦执行就会持续处理 ,直到没有数据可供处理,然后进入 idle 状态。* ...
( macOS or Linux users that are using Homebrew can also install it by: brew install yt-dlp/taps/yt-dlp UPDATE You can use yt-dlp -U to update if you are using the provided release If you installed with pip, simply re-run the same command that was used to install...
1. 2. 3. # 4K风景 # 高清美女热舞 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1. 2. 3. # 4K风景 # 高清美女热舞 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.