yt-dlp -f'bv*[height=1080]+ba'--download-archive videos.txt -o'%(channel_id)s/%(playlist_id)s/%(id)s.%(ext)s' 频道 将整个 YouTube 频道下载为具有最佳音频的 720p 视频。保存到以频道名称命名的文件夹中,视频...
yt-dlp --update-to master switch to the master channel and update to its latest release yt-dlp --update-to stable@2023.07.06 upgrade/downgrade to release to stable channel tag 2023.07.06 yt-dlp --update-to 2023.10.07 upgrade/downgrade to tag 2023.10.07 if it exists on the current chan...
$ yt-dlp --write-auto-sub --sub-lang"zh-Hans,en"--skip-download\?v\=4eW5SWBi7vs[youtube]4eW5SWBi7vs: Downloading webpage[youtube]4eW5SWBi7vs: Downloading android player API JSON[youtube]4eW5SWBi7vs: Downloading MPD manifest[youtube]4eW5SWBi7vs: Down...
Can we download all videos in a channel ? I tried to search in help but didn't find. best regards josef Provide verbose output that clearly demonstrates the problem Runyouryt-dlp command with-vUflag added (yt-dlp -vU <your command line>) If using API, add'verbose': TruetoYoutubeDLpar...
下载包含 1080p 视频和最佳音频的 YouTube 播放列表。将视频保存到 channel_id/playlist_id 目录中,并将视频添加到存档文本文件中: yt-dlp -f'bv*[height=1080]+ba' --download-archive videos.txt -o '%(channel_id)s/%...
下载整个 YouTube 播放列表的 1080p 视频,保存到channel_id/playlist_id目录: 代码语言:javascript 复制 yt-dlp-f'bv*[height=1080]+ba'--download-archive videos.txt'%(channel_id)s/%(playlist_id)s/%(id)s.%(ext)...
yt-dlp -f 'bv*[height=1080]+ba' --download-archive videos.txt https://www./playlist?list=PLQ_PIlf6OzqI34ZPxXk4HGnqADpiF9rcV -o '%(channel_id)s/%(playlist_id)s/%(id)s.%(ext)s' 下载频道: 将整个 YouTube 频道下载为具有最佳音频的 720p 视频。保存到以频道名称命名的文件夹中,视频...
Video Selection:With yt-dlp, you can select the videos you want to download from a playlist or channel. In addition, you can also download entire playlists and channels. Download Options:This feature allows you to control the downloading process. You can, for example, choose to download only...
// for details. •Youtubeimprovements: • All Feeds (:ytfav, :ytwatchlater, :ytsubs, :ythistory, :ytrec) and private playlists supports downloading multiple pages of content • Search (ytsearch:, ytsearchdate:), search URLs and in-channel search...
Arguments: <url> yt-dlp compatible URL to download. Check yt-dlp documentation for a list of compatible websites. --metadata=<key:value> Custom metadata to add to the item. Options: -h --help Show this screen. -p --proxy <prox> Use a proxy while uploading. -u --userna...