该设置是win10设置,其他的系统可能需要通过";"分割 验证有没有安装成功可以通过CMD命令提示符,输入ffmpeg -version,如出现版本号则安装成功 4. 安装yt-dlp 上述基础环境设置完成后,即可通过pip轻松安装yt-dlp python -m pip install -U yt-dlp 如果提示 Python was not found; XXXXX,则可尝试将python替换为pyth...
yt-dlp是一个命令行工具,用于下载和转换YouTube视频。以下是yt-dlp的用法和选项: 用法: yt-dlp [OPTIONS] URL [URL ...] 选项: -h, --help 显示帮助信息并退出 -V, --version 显示版本信息并退出 -i, --input-file 指定输入文件,包含要下载的URL列表 -f, --format 指定输出格式,例如mp4、mkv等 -...
Cannot decrypt nsig without player_url; please report this issue on https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp , filling out the "Broken site" issue template properly. Confirm you are on the latest version using -U [youtube] lUqJ7uFEXEQ: Downloading initial data API JSON ...
[debug] yt-dlp version 2022.05.18 [b14d523] (win_exe) [debug] Python version 3.8.10 (CPython 64bit) - Windows-10-10.0.22000-SP0 [debug] Checking exe version: ffprobe -bsfs [debug] Checking exe version: ffmpeg -bsfs [debug] exe versions: ffmpeg 4.3.1-2020-10-01-full_build-www.g...
Checklist I'm reporting a broken site I've verified that I'm running yt-dlp version 2021.12.01. (update instructions) I've checked that all provided URLs are alive and playable in a browser I've checked that all URLs and arguments with s...
ffmpeg 是一个用于处理音频和视频文件的强大工具,它可以合并多个音频和视频轨道成一个文件。 ffmpeg -version验证是否安装成功 项目地址:github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dl 下载yt-dlp.exe文件 打开PowerShell,输入./yt-dlp -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4' 视频链接即可下载最佳质量视频。发布...
You can also run make yt-dlp instead to compile only the binary without updating any of the additional files Note: In either platform, devscripts/update-version.py can be used to automatically update the version number You can also fork the project on github and run your fork's build ...
A configurable yt-dlp wrapper to download YouTube videos. Latest version: 0.0.6, last published: a year ago. Start using ytdlp_video_processor in your project by running `npm i ytdlp_video_processor`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using
NEW VERSION 2024.11.18 YT-DLP is a fork of Youtube-DLC which in turn is a fork of Youtube-DL. YT-DLP can download video from many streaming video sites. Command line software. Free software OS: File size: 19MB Old versions Version history ...
Given that yt-dlp is under very active development, we don’t recommend using the package available in the Ubuntu repositories. On our Ubuntu 22.04 systems, apt pulled in the version dated 8 April 2022, which lags behind the current release. ...