Based on a true story, this compelling biopic follows British-born Archie Belaney who transforms himself into Grey Owl - an internationally renowned Native American environmental activist fighting to protect Canada’s wildlands in the 1930s. The film offers a thought-provoking look at identity...
.S. ONA) : Internet StreamingBlessing of the Campanella (TV) : Internet Streaming (FUNimation; Nozomi Entertainment)Blue Gender: The Warrior (movie) : Internet StreamingBōken Tairiku Ania Kingdom (stop-motion TV) : Internet Streaming (dubbed)Boogiepop Phantom (TV) : Internet StreamingBoys Be....
Critics Consensus: Writer-director John Carney's return to musical drama isn't quite as potent as it was with Once, but thanks to charming work from its well-matched leads, Begin Again is difficult to resist. Synopsis: Gretta (Keira Knightley) and her songwriting partner/lover Dave (Adam ...
and the fact that many big-name tech companies have been silent on the Durov case, with the exception of Proton CEO Andy Yen, who characterized the charges against the Russian-born tech mogul as “economic suicide” that’s “rapidly and permanently...
her father looks on with something that can only be described as disdain for his child. Perhaps, it is because he knew what Alexia would become; perhaps, Alexia was just born bad. Julia Ducournau’s Palme d’Or-winning follow-up to 2016’sRawcrunches, tears and sizzles. Bones break, ski...
I felt important to ask questions in a respectful manner as Mabel is an accomplished filmmaker and yet, to do a good job, good (and sometimes tough) questions must be asked. While I was typing this, I kept thinking ofAlextelling Mabel that her 1st and 2nd versions of給十九歲的我 To ...
Les Brown was born on February 17th, 1945 in Miami, Florida. He was adopted by Mamie Brown, and whilst in grade school, was declared “educably mentally retarded”. Despite this and the emotional issues, it brought upon him; he was encouraged by others to continue to learn and be the ...
Born in Huntsville, Alabama and raised around Texas, Day nabbed her very first acting gig at age 7 when she appeared as Scout in a local stage production of "To Kill a Mockingbird." It proved to be an exhilarating experience for the young performer and left Day feeling confident that a ...
One of the things that seemed to connect with people, and in turn got me excited about starting the class again, is that there does not seem to be a class like mine here in the area yet. I’m not doing and improv class, there are places likeThe ApeandCurious Comedythat are already...
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