日本最强YouTube音乐频道THE FIRST TAKE已经成立两年多了,各大音乐串流平台上架数十首人气歌曲:鬼灭女神LiSA现场版〈炎〉、色情涂鸦经典名作〈悲欢岁月〉、Awesome City Club钢琴演奏版〈勿忘〉等,近日也公开Aimer〈残响散歌〉。跨越不同世代的实力派歌手,用自己最舒服的方式重新诠释代表作。准备好沈浸在J PO...
【YouTube】Kep1er《Wing Wing》THE FIRST TAKE视频公开,LIVE实力有被爽到!#KEP1ER[超话]# http://t.cn/A6Sj3DzN
将在YouTube频道“THE FIRST TAKE (TFT)”首次登场 ▲首次在一条过的YouTube频道THE FIRST TAKE中登场的长渕刚 据日媒5月2日消息报道,创作歌手长渕刚(67岁)将在YouTube频道“THE FIRST TAKE (TFT)”的第432回首次登场。视频将从3日晚10时开始上线。 长渕将演唱代表作之一《蜻蜓》(1988年)。这首歌是他自己...
Follow this guide carefully to get YouTube’s videos, music, live streams, and more back into your hands. While the lack of YouTube pre-installation remains an inconvenience, take heart in knowing that where there’s a will, there’s a way. With the power of sideloading and third-party ...
These will be the first parts of your YouTube account that users see when visiting, so be sure to use images that are easily recognizable and consistent with your overall branding. Note: It may take several minutes for your channel icon to appear after uploading. Step 2: After you have cu...
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oEmbed is a format which allows URLs to point to embedded content automatically. It will take a standard link, extract media from it, and embed it on a webpage. This has been integrated into WordPress fully for several versions. What does this mean? You don’t need anything other than t...