First aid in snakebites: an evaluation of the usefulness and quality of YouTube videos Aim: YouTube has become an increasingly used platform for obtaining health information such as first aid knowledge of snake bites rescuers in recent years... MM Oktay,ME Karaduman,HG Sabak - 《Journal of ...
Google has pushed ahead with streaming onYouTube, no doubt fuelled by Twitch’s success. The latter, which wasacquiredby Amazon for a cool $970 million last year, has gone from strength to strength as the leading social game-streaming platform. Notably, both services live...
YouTube today achieved a milestone, becoming the Top Grossing Free iPhone app in the U.S. App Store for the first time, according to data app analytics site Sensor Tower shared withTechCrunch. Prior to today, the highest ranking YouTube had hit on the Top Grossing charts was #3, and the...
(图/THE FIRST TAKE提供) 上周释出A-Lin演唱的〈有一种悲伤〉TFT版本创下佳绩,影片冲上Youtube发烧第一名,除了获得许多海外的网友好评,也有歌迷就敲碗留言「好想在『THE FIRST TAKE』听到〈挚友〉」。果然A-Lin再次登上「THE FIRST TAKE」就是再次诠释歌迷期待万分、重新编曲的代表作〈挚友〉。 接受「THE FIR...
傲登THE FIRST TAKE开唱 A-Lin登上日本YouTube频道「THE FIRST TAKE」。(图/THE FIRST TAKE提供) 记者翁子涵/台北报导 A-Lin日前受邀参与日本最受欢迎的音乐YouTube频道「THE FIRST TAKE」,献唱全新编曲版的经典代表作《有一种悲伤》,A-Lin表示这是一场非常刺激、紧张的演出,尽管她经常被称为是实力派歌手,仍...
YouTube has featured live-streaming on its desktop site since 2011, but the company is finally ready to take on Facebook Live by bringing thefeature to smartphones. You won’t be able to broadcast to the world yet, though — the feature is going live for YouTube creators with more than...
my kids are addicted to youtube - they can sit still for hours watching vids of kids unwrapping presents and giving reviews on toys... and my wife likes the first take channel as alot of her favourite anime singers are on there (Lisa, Uru, Aimer) I...
“significs”—naturally enough caught the attention of Susan Petrilli, one of Sebeok’s main collaborators on the international scene, and this led Sebeok to take an interest in the matter, reflected even in Chap.13of his last book (see Petrilli and Sebeok1998). Now, as the twenty-...
Thanks to YouTube, Streaming first caught on in 2005. Today nearly three quarters of American households subscribe to at least one video streaming service. With almost 200 million subscribers worldwide and a billion hours of content viewed each week, Netflix is by far the biggest paid service....
Google today finally updated its YouTube iOS app for the first time in over two months, becoming one of the highest-profile Google apps to see an...