By Tom May Contributions from Joe Foley last updated yesterday Our expert guide to the best software for editing YouTube videos.When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. (...
Yesterday I Asked You (2015) Teala Dunn Self Are We There Yet? (2010) Justine Ezarik Self (as iJustine) Escape the Night (2016) Christian Figueiredo Self Alguém Bateu Na Porta (2013) Mark Fischbach Self Markiplier (2012) Gavin Free Self The Slow Mo Guys (2010) Karina Gar...
I know a few of them use some salty language. If you have small children, and they heard some naughty words from these videos, please take solace in the fact that this happened to my own small children just yesterday and I'm in deep trouble with the missus. Update:Version 1.0.1 no l...
Noticed something different yesterday, a video I was watching had the standard resolution options, but in addition to 1080P, there was an option for "1080P Premium" that you have to be a subscriber for. The 4K videos I watched were still in 4K, but this may not bode well for the futu...
Recommended YouTube videos: a)書展2013:移民3部曲 – 羅啟銳、張婉婷(2013, 76 minutes), b)影談系列——張婉婷 · 羅啟銳《秋天的童話》映後談Movie Talk—Mabel and Alex “An Autumn’s Tale” Post-screening Talk(2022, 105 mins), c)影談系列——張婉婷 · 羅啟銳《玻璃之城》映後談 Movie...
I have been putting on random Playlist of theirs for months to fall asleep, and as of yesterday the whole channel is shut down. Quoting: Frostradamus Download the Paranormal phone app. I listen to Art Bell every night.Many other shows as well. App has sleep timer also.All Free!Last ...
Ultimate director Masahiro Sakurai yesterday teased a new announcement, and today he's revealed it's his very own YouTube channel titled Masahiro Sakurai on Creating Games. As the title suggests, this channel will be focused on game development and what exactly makes games fun to... Wed 24th...
Google chose to launch its newest product – the Android One budget smartphones – in India yesterday. And now comes the fun part – an array of apps and services to attract “the next billion” Android users that Google is eyeing. The first goodie –‘coming soon’, says the Android ...
I'm looking forward to the day YouTube goes belly up due to your idiotic left wing veiws that are not the veiws of the majority. Anita Williamson from San Antonio, TX Jan 26, 2019 20 Good Morning! I usually enjoy listening to and watching YouTube, but yesterday, Friday 24 January...
), on which he posts videos of himself blending things like doughnuts and tater tots into milkshakes. He dropped out of college. He doesn’t travel much, except for this. As we talk, he keeps his arm wrapped around the shoulder of a girl who he met in this same spot yesterday....