By Laurel J.Davis In the 2010 movie, How Do You Know?, this guy loses almost everything when he comes under federal investigation for stock trading fraud at his father’s firm. Although he is completely innocent, he still loses his girlfriend, is forced to leave his job and oh, forget...
In the second quarter of the twentiety century few artists occupied studios in Washington Mews. Among the exceptions was sculptor Gaston Lachaiser. On Nov 1, 1933 Lachaise movied into the studio where Manshhip had worked. (42 Washington Mews) German born sculptor Heinz Warneke also worked in ...
“Yesterday” was included on theHelp!album in the UK (though it didn’t feature in the movie), in summer 1965, and given a US single release on September 13 that year. Spending four weeks at No.1 (the song did not receive a UK single release until March 8, 1976, when it made N...
I had never come across this person before, so there’s not a great deal I can tell you about them other than the fact that they work on all manner of creative endeavours online, including movie reviews, comedy dub videos and standalone comedic videos. In some respects, I’m glad I w...
After the movie, we all went to my house to have a sleepover. We played video games, watched funny videos on YouTube, and told scary stories with a flashlight under the blanket. It was a bit spooky, but we were all laughing and having a great time. Before going to bed, we all mad...
This series is not yet chronicled in the LogBook.You could help change that. NBC picks up Star Trek Published On: February 21, 1966 NBC announces that it has added a new full-color hour-long science fiction series, Gene Roddenberry’sStar Trek, to its fall 1966 schedule. Unusually, the ...