YouTube Dislike Extension 是一个允许用户在 YouTube 上恢复不喜欢按钮 (db) 的工具。由于未知原因,YT 删除了此功能,但该扩展允许用户再次查看和使用该数据库。有了这个工具,用户可以通过点击按钮再次表达他们对视频的不满。此外,还允许用户查看视频的不喜欢计数,类似于喜欢计数。总的来说,YDE 是任何想要再次在 ...
The dislike button on YouTube had become a bit of a tool to attack someone using their videos. So, to reduce this dislike attacking behavior, Google decided that they will remove the dislike count on their video platform. The Return YouTube Dislike is an extension available for users of Chr...
YouTube removed the dislike count on of its videos across the plaform. here is how to bring back the YouTube Dislike Count on every video.
About 2 years ago, YouTube removed the dislike count. So, the dislike button is still available on the platform, but the dislike count cannot be seen. Out of curiosity, are you wondering how to see dislikes on YouTube? The good part is it is possible to see dislikes on YouTube by bo...
YouTube states that they're making the dislike counts private across YouTube, but the dislike button is not going away. Viewers can still see and use the dislike button. But because the count was not visible, they found that they were less likely to target a video's dislike button to dr...
The Return YouTube Dislike Extensions is a simple one, you can bring back YouTube Dislike Counts by simply installing the extension, and for Yt-Dislikes-Viewer follow our guide in the next step. Guide To Install Yt Dislikes Viewer On your Pc and Return youtube dislike button ...
Return YouTube Dislike is an open-source extension that returns the YouTube dislike count. Available for Chrome and Firefox as a Web Extension. Also available for other browsers as JS Userscript. The Story On November 10th, 2021, Googleannouncedthat the YouTube dislike count would be removed. ...
believing its feedback to be vital to their future success on the algorithm-driven platform. but a new study from the mozilla foundation suggests that users who hit the dislike button on videos to weed out content they don’t want to see are wasting their time. the study used inputs from...
The infamous YouTube dislike button has become a hot topic regarding the algorithm, but does it actually do anything? Yes, but not in the way you might think. The YouTube dislike button works as an extension of engagement. If a user watches your video all the way through and then hits ...
1. Click on the "dislike" button in Extensions toolbar:2. Type a keyword and click "Hate it!":3. Keyword will be added to list at the bottom of the widget.4. U can remove keywords You no longer want to hate. :)# Extension sourceThis extension is OpenSource - You can download ...