YouTube Dislike Extension1.2.2.2精选 下载:点击下载 谷歌商店 教程: Chrome 浏览器插件下载&安装教程(图文讲解)截图: 上一张 YouTube Dislike Extension chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 YouTube Dislike Extension chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图
YouTube Dislike Extension 是一个允许用户在 YouTube 上恢复不喜欢按钮 (db) 的工具。由于未知原因,YT 删除了此功能,但该扩展允许用户再次查看和使用该数据库。有了这个工具,用户可以通过点击按钮再次表达他们对视频的不满。此外,还允许用户查看视频的不喜欢计数,类似于喜欢计数。总的来说,YDE 是任何想要再次在 ...
Return YouTube Dislike is an open-source extension that returns the YouTube dislike count. Available for Chrome and Firefox as a Web Extension. Also available for other browsers as JS Userscript. The Story On November 10th, 2021, Googleannouncedthat the YouTube dislike count would be removed. ...
与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 Return YouTube Dislike restores the ability to see dislikes on YouTube. Starting December 13th 2021, YouTube removed the ability to see dislikes from their API. This extension aims to restore power to users by using a combination of archived like and dislike data, as...
Return YouTube Dislike is an extension/add-on that returns the full functionality of disliking content to YouTube. YouTube removed the option to view the number of dislikes for content on their platform; this author has provided an Open Source option to
An extension that returns dislike statistics to YouTube using a combination of scraped dislike stats and estimates extrapolated from extension user data.
An extension that returns dislike statistics to YouTube using a combination of scraped dislike stats and estimates extrapolated from extension user data.
Bring Back Dislikes On iOS YouTube. In November 2021, YouTube removed the ability to see the number of dislikes on videos. While YouTube claims this is a strategy to prevent “dislike attacks”, this h…
6. If still not showing click onyt-dislikes-viewerextension icon and enter your YouTube v3 Data APIkey. Generate YouTube v3 Data API key First visitGoogle DevelopersConsole and login with your Google Account. Create anew projecton the Top. ...
An extension that returns dislike statistics to YouTube using a combination of scraped dislike stats and estimates extrapolated from extension user data.