YouTube Dislike Extension1.2.2.2精选 下载:点击下载 谷歌商店 教程: Chrome 浏览器插件下载&安装教程(图文讲解)截图: 上一张 YouTube Dislike Extension chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图 下一张 YouTube Dislike Extension chrome谷歌浏览器插件_扩展截图
YouTube Dislike Extension 是一个允许用户在 YouTube 上恢复不喜欢按钮 (db) 的工具。由于未知原因,YT 删除了此功能,但该扩展允许用户再次查看和使用该数据库。有了这个工具,用户可以通过点击按钮再次表达他们对视频的不满。此外,还允许用户查看视频的不喜欢计数,类似于喜欢计数。总的来说,YDE 是任何想要再次在 ...
Return YouTube Dislike is an open-source extension that returns the YouTube dislike count. Available for Chrome and Firefox as a Web Extension. Also available for other browsers as JS Userscript. The Story On November 10th, 2021, Googleannouncedthat the YouTube dislike count would be removed. ...
Return YouTube Dislike is an extension/add-on that returns the full functionality of disliking content to YouTube. YouTube removed the option to view the number of dislikes for content on their platform; this author has provided an Open Source option to
1. Click on the "dislike" button in Extensions toolbar:2. Type a keyword and click "Hate it!":3. Keyword will be added to list at the bottom of the widget.4. U can remove keywords You no longer want to hate. :)# Extension sourceThis extension is OpenSource - You can download ...
The dislike button on YouTube had become a bit of a tool to attack someone using their videos. So, to reduce this dislike attacking behavior, Google decided that they will remove the dislike count on their video platform. The Return YouTube Dislike is an extension available for users of Ch...
Return YouTube Dislike是一款可以恢复YouTube视频下方Dislike数值参考的插件, YouTube 在很久前就已经取消“Dislike”项的数值了,默认是没有数值参考的,安装这个插件后可以恢复一个数值参考,由于API接口问题,不能获取到具体数量,但是由于插件本身用户量很大,就利用了插件用户的评分来显示,比如10个人,3个人点了Dislike,...
Due to Google dislike people downloading Youtube videos and not allowing installing Chrome extensions from outside of Chrome Web Store, please following the installation guide below to install the extension. Installation Guide: Download the extension zip file by clicking the Download button above. ...
1.If you are using Chrome or any of the Chromium-based browsers likeEdge or Brave, open theReturn YouTube Dislike Chrome extension pageon Chrome Web Store. 2.Here, click on theAdd to Chromebutton and then click on theAdd Extensionin the pop-up. ...
5) Visit in Safari, start playing a video, then click the RYTD extension icon at the top of the window and allow it to run.The dislike button should now display the number of downvotes for this video.You can learn more about using Safari extensions on a Mac in our ...