Anarios/return-youtube-dislike Star12.9k Chrome extension to return youtube dislikes chrome-extensionfirefoxyoutubefirefox-addonfirefox-extensiondislikedislikesdislikes-countdislike-button UpdatedJan 12, 2025 TypeScript 🥗 All-in-one professional pop-up dictionary and page translator which supports multiple...
Dislike Chrome 插件, crx 扩展下载 收录于7年前 阅读数 85 下载插件crx文件 扩展ID: bllflapibonkbjhaeldamkhbmbbghfneAllows you to innefectually dislike things on FacebookThis extension adds a dislike button wherever it finds a like button. The dislike button has no real functionality and no ...
Mac separates the Extensions folder into different Chrome user accounts. In each Chrome user account folder, the extensions for that account are listed as their Google ID: a string of letters 32 characters long. To determine which are hidden extensions, you have to see which extensions show up ...
只要 Edge 还必须用愚蠢的 Extensions Button,我是不会再把 Edge 作为主力浏览器的。ps. Vivaldi 安装...
Return YouTube Dislike is an open-source extension that returns the YouTube dislike count. Available for Chrome and Firefox as a Web Extension. Also available for other browsers as JS Userscript. The Story On November 10th, 2021, Googleannouncedthat the YouTube dislike count would be removed. ...
1. Click on the "dislike" button in Extensions toolbar:2. Type a keyword and click "Hate it!":3. Keyword will be added to list at the bottom of the widget.4. U can remove keywords You no longer want to hate. :)# Extension sourceThis extension is OpenSource - You can download ...
YouTube states that they're making the dislike counts private across YouTube, but the dislike button is not going away. Viewers can still see and use the dislike button. But because the count was not visible, they found that they were less likely to target a video's dislike button to dr...
Due to Google dislike people downloading Youtube videos and not allowing installing Chrome extensions from outside of Chrome Web Store, please following the installation guide below to install the extension. Installation Guide: Download the extension zip file by clicking the Download button above. ...
Quick access to: - Play/Pause - Previous/Next - Like/Dislike - Volume control (scroll mouse button) - Track info card - Song progress bar - Launch or activate Google Play Music tab Other features - Dims into background when not used - Move it around to your preferred location - Quick ...
Hold down the right mouse button and trace a gesture on the page to activate one of a number of macros such as scrolling to the top or bottom of a page, closing the current tab, or switching tabs. I liked this feature quite a bit, although it’s nothing that can’t also be added...