如何安装 Youtube Dislike Extension OneClick - 打开 Edge 扩展。 - 在搜索栏中,输入“Youtube Dislike Extension OneClick” - 在搜索结果中找到并选择“Youtube Dislike Extension OneClick” - 单击“获取”以安装扩展程序。 - 安装后,刷新您的 YouTube 页面以查看视频下方出现的不喜欢计数器。 In recent ...
showing the abhorrence count from YouTube's API toward the front. We are presently filing the meta-data of each video a user watched (we don't follow any user, we simply save the "video id" and "dislike count" of a video and we have chronicled north of 10,000 recordings up until ...
You need toinstall an extension named Return YouTube Dislikeif you intend to see the dislikes on YouTube videos that you didn’t make. Firefox, Google Chrome, the Microsoft Edge browser, Opera, and Brave are all compatible. If the browser you’re using isn’t yet supported, there’s also...
This module allows you to set a preferred playback quality for all the videos, choose a color for player controls and for the progress bar, as well as to skip ads, enable or disable video suggestions, comments and buttons such as like, dislike or share and to auto-buffer clips even if...
https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/youtube-thumbnail-rating-bar/ Edge Add-on: https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/thumbnail-rating-bar-for-/mglepphnjnfcljjafdgafoipiakakbin The API This extension uses theReturn YouTube DislikeAPI for likes/dislikes data. ...
dislike_count (numeric): Number of negative ratings of the video repost_count (numeric): Number of reposts of the video average_rating (numeric): Average rating give by users, the scale used depends on the webpage comment_count (numeric): Number of comments on the video age_limit (numeric...
与你的浏览器兼容 描述 Return YouTube Dislike restores the ability to see dislikes on YouTube. Starting December 13th 2021, YouTube removed the ability to see dislikes from their API. This extension aims to restore power to users by using a combination of archived like and dislike data, as ...
530 个用户 无障碍工具 与你的浏览器兼容 描述 Basically, copies the like/dislike shortcut from YouTube Music, which means: • Shift+Plus (on the number row) to like a video • Shift+Minus (on the number row) to dislike • Numpad Plus to like • Numpad Minus to dislike Addition...
//addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/untrap-for-youtube/ Share Ideas / Report a Bugs: https://untrap.app/support/ LIST OF TWEAKS: Your productive and unhooked-in YouTube experience begins with this list of available options and customizations *** HOME PAGE *** • Redirect Home to: ...
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