如何安装 Youtube Dislike Extension OneClick - 打开 Edge 扩展。 - 在搜索栏中,输入“Youtube Dislike Extension OneClick” - 在搜索结果中找到并选择“Youtube Dislike Extension OneClick” - 单击“获取”以安装扩展程序。 - 安装后,刷新您的 YouTube 页面以查看视频下方出现的不喜欢计数器。 In recent ...
Return YouTube Dislike 扩展适用于 Chrome、Opera、Brave、Edge 和 Firefox 浏览器。该扩展程序也可用于 iOS 设备,但 Gizmodo表示它仅适用于越狱设备。因此,用户需要自行承担安装扩展的风险。安装后,扩展开始显示不喜欢的确切数量,最多为 1,而不会将它们四舍五入。不过,不知道会持续多久。目前,系统正在从 Yo...
Dislikes on Youtube extension is a tool designed to counteract the change made by YouTube on December 13th, 2021, where they removed the public display of dislike counts. This extension empowers users by resurfacing the ability to view the number of dislikes on YouTube videos, providing a mor...
Because NewPipe has been made open source, the group developing the Return YouTube Dislike extension created a customized version of it that includes capabilities for counting dislikes. It functions similarly to the browser extension. Here’s how to see the dislike count withNewPipe: Step #1:Head ...
An extension that returns dislike statistics to YouTube using a combination of scraped dislike stats and estimates extrapolated from extension user data.
Return YouTube Dislike is an extension/add-on that returns the full functionality of disliking content to YouTube. YouTube removed the option to view the number of dislikes for content on their platform; this author has provided an Open Source option to
The Return YouTube Dislike is an extension available for users of Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Brave, and iOS that allows you to restore the dislike counter on YouTube to add to the overall experience you have on the platform. The extension, when installed, automatically starts displaying th...
For example, to only match videos that have been liked more than 100 times and disliked less than 50 times (or the dislike functionality is not available at the given service), but who also have a description, use --match-filter "like_count > 100 & dislike_count <? 50 & description"...
How to Enable Dislike Counter on YouTube again? September 18, 2021 How to Fix “Processing Abandoned The Video Could not be Processed” Error on Youtube? September 16, 2021 How to Fix “Invalid Response Received” on YouTube? August 5, 2021 ...
videos_year = videos_year %>% mutate(like_ratio = likeCount/viewCount) %>% mutate(dislike_ratio = dislikeCount/viewCount) %>% mutate(comment_ratio = commentCount/viewCount) %>% mutate(ratio_to_total = viewCount/sum(viewCount, na.rm = TRUE)) # names(videos_year)Part...