Well-ordered Sentence Examples No trace exists of the splendour of the ancient city, with its regular streets, well-ordered plan and numerous public buildings. Similarly, a class of serial relations, called well-ordered serial relations, can be defined, such that their corresponding relation-...
Lightening Sentence Examples My attempt atlighteningthe situation fell on deaf ears. Purplelighteningrippled in the air nearby. The morning was cool, the skylightening. These measures Nerva supplemented by others which aimed atlighteningthe financial burdens on the declining industry of Italy. ...
freshened revived serviced stimulated tracked trailed understood watched waved aroused prodded shook roused Antonyms: napped slept discouraged Woke Sentence Examples The sound of voiceswokeher. Cassiewokethe next morning in the cool of dawn.
Examples of Guilt by Association Sentence Fragment Examples and Their Corrections Adjectives That Start With U What the 'Stonks' Meme Is About and Where It Comes From Loose vs. Lose: Learning the Tangible Difference False Dilemma Fallacy Examples ...
Conform Sentence Examples You mustconformto the school's rules, or else you will get detention. Aria tried her hardest toconformto the group of girls around her, but never seemed to succeed. I am but too ready toconformto them. They didn't like the new design but the engineers had to...
Brain Sentence Examples An idea flashed through her brain and left a frown on her face. I have a terminal brain tumor. From what I've learned his entire brain structure is distorted. Why that picture settled into her brain, she couldn't say. No doubt he knew he was being manipulated,...
Eighteen-wheeler Sentence Examples Besides, if an eighteen-wheeler was going to make "possum pizza" out of him, he wanted to hear it coming. Angie, her eighteen-wheeler husband, kept her in a constant state of pregnancy. Although most times these cat videos are less gripping than a ...
Participation Sentence Examples Brilliant results accrued from all thisparticipationin the general life of Germany. Most children benefit greatly fromparticipationin a play group. Popular animosity was kindled by the enforcedparticipationof the Jews in public disputations. ...
Fate Sentence Examples It's your fate, but I feel like you know this. A person couldn't avoid fate, but they could control the way they responded to it. You have a great fate to fulfill in this life yet. Had fate brought her to these people who welcomed her as if she were famil...
Maturation Sentence Examples The main products formed are, as in all cases of Constitution of Grape Juice at Various Periods of Maturation. This will depend greatly upon the maturation of your baby as well as his overall health. All of them are derived from the bone marrow but T cells unde...