How would I write the introduction for a research proposal? How do you write a tribute speech? How do you write a proper conclusion sentence to your essay without being wordy or cheesy? What are some debate topics related to an umbrella?
Including quotes from experts in your position paper can be beneficial, but be careful to avoid theappeal to authority fallacy. Their expertise must be directly relevant to your position, as do the quotes you include. An example of a relevant quote would be an excerpt from a pediatrician’s ...
Here we have used a simile to compare the park to a face and the trees to facial hair. This is memorable because it’s not what the reader expects; it makes them look at the park from a different angle. You don’t have to fill every sentence with figurative language, but using these...
This can help you to communicate your ideas more effectively, avoid repetition, and maintain a consistent tone. You can also use Scribbr’s free paraphrasing tool, which is designed specifically for this purpose. Example: Using ChatGPT to paraphrase text Paraphrase the following sentence: “This ...
A Six-Figure Income… For Life! Now, when people ask and I tell them about the kind of writing I do, many raise their eyebrows. Because I’ll mention “letters” and “the internet” in the same sentence, they think it has to do with email spamming and the like. ...
I’m not there yet. I can’t help but think – in the shadow of the death of Muhammad Ali less than two months ago – that I can’t put your names in the same sentence. See, Mike, the athletes of those days gone by gave theiralland they didn’t havehalfof what you’ve got ...
The second sentence in the Times’ story found the captain of the Mohawk guilty: “The Sailing Master, Rowland, was denounced on all sides for incompetency and as a man who was utterly unfit for his position.” Rowland, unhinged from the catastrophe, compounded his predicament by fleeing the...
James was neither the oldest or the youngest and Kev finished ahead of the 17 year old, but didn't win. John was also unlucky this time and didn't win either. Can you determine who finished where and how old they are? Logic Problem...
Software engineering can move fast and break things: the internet gives you the luxury of fixing things later. This is a luxury that not many other engineering disciplines can afford, but it is also a fallacy: you can’t issue a patch to your reputation nor to societal impact as easily as...
predictions. Maybe every third declarative sentence is a prediction. And from the vantage point of a year later, it is clear that these extremely intelligent, well-informed people are very, very bad at predicting the future. Predictions with no predictive value are just spin, an attempt to cre...