Umm...what the actual fuck?! 2 Girls 1 Cup Daddy must be proud! Let's eat! 1 Man 1 Jar A man and his jar walk into a bar... 1 Priest 1 Nun Loyal nun saves priest from evil 3 Girls 1 Funnel Three Girls Share A Funnel ...
C S @vacuumdude There are plenty of solo pen and paper RPGs that make you tell your own story nowadays, but they've never worked for me personally. They tend to be mechanically too loose and you have too much control over the story, to the point where it feels more like you're ran...
You got a guy, a dude, a fella, a man in your life. He, whoever he is, has a birthday. When you have a birthday message for him, you want to find the right words, and you want it to be meaningful. Is it your buddy’s birthday? Your brother’s? Maybe it’s your son’s ...
Mugen and Jin (from samurai champloo) and tanjiro from demon slayer. I saw a video where a dude was playing as the first one I mentioned but I can't find him any where since the engine and the char have the same name mattnater ...
“dude” was a city slicker from back east. A person of higher education but very little practical skills for being on a ranch. As easterners travelled west to get a taste of frontier life ranchers who catered to them began to create “dude ranches” where these inexperienced cowboys could ...
You Got It Dude Pin It You Got It Pin It You Got This Old Sport Pin It You Got It Pal Pin It You Got This Sugar Pin It You Know You Got It Ball Out Pin It Don’t Worry Pin It High Five Pin It Keep Focused Pin It
All of us introverts have those extrovert friends who think they are saving you from being alone. Dude, we like being alone! Group Project Meme Who else hates group projects? When the teacher says “okay, break off into groups for the next part of class.” who else freaks out? Introverts...
“It’s a cardigan, but thanks for noticing.” “Killer boots, man!” [see above] “He must work out.” “That John Denver’s full of shit.” No John Denver mention in the last 20 years has come without the “full of shit” sidebar.Dumb & Dumbertotally changed an entire generation...
This suave dude thinks he's the James Bond of love, solving the mystery of finding women with a simple airport sign. Move over, Tinder, we've got the "Sign of Seduction" in action! His confidence is as high as his hair gel budget, and he's convinced he's a smooth ...
Dude, Hands Off! The guy photobombing this picture looks like he’s actually going way further than just that. It really looks like this guy has his hand on the girl on the right’s shoulder! Luckily, it’s just the way the camera and everyone in the picture are angled.