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Boot a dude in the balls, then kick his head off. Launch some men into orbit with an alt-fire rocket, then pick them out of the sky like they were clay pigeons. Sadly, we'll probably never see such a brash, bright or commendably crude FPS like this again. You can learn more ...
justadudewhohacks/face-api.js - JavaScript API for face detection and face recognition in the browser and nodejs with tensorflow.js keymetrics/pm2-io-apm - PM2.io APM for Node.JS microsoft/BosqueLanguage - The Bosque programming language is an experiment in regularized design for a machine ...
In a 1966 interview with Maureen Cleave, Lennon debated that Christianity was dropping away and that rock music would likely outlast it. “We’re more popular than Jesus now; I don’t know which will go first – rock ‘n’ roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were...
“Girl Is a Gun” strays closer to pop while “Easier Than Lying” descends into the depths of growling rock. But it’s on the dichotomous standout “I Am Not a Woman, I’m a God” that Halsey truly morphs into the larger-than-life deity who takes what they please regardless of ...
Dude, Hands Off! The guy photobombing this picture looks like he’s actually going way further than just that. It really looks like this guy has his hand on the girl on the right’s shoulder! Luckily, it’s just the way the camera and everyone in the picture are angled. Imgur.com/YU...
Commentary:Same dude, same. Lyric 3:“Would I be violating if I grab me a handful?” Commentary:This is an odd way to ask for consent. But hey, consent is sexy. Juvenile seems like a good guy. I’m A Snacc We know why you’re reading. You want to hear me talk about food. Th...
Sketchy Dude 6. Automotive and Transportation YouTube Channel Names OMG FVD To be Determined Autotech No More Rubber Fingers Busted SUV Garage Vlog Uber Tech KoopaTV Auto Passion The Ragtop Review Scratch the Toast Autosalvage Car Driver
(1963) o Getz, Stan & João Gilberto – Getz/Gilberto o Beatles – A Hard Day’s Night o Brel, Jacques – Olympia 64 o Burke, Solomon – Rock ‘n’ Soul o Springfield, Dusty - A Girl Called Dusty o Rolling Stones – Rolling Stones (1st Album) o Owens, Buck – I’ve Got a ...
careful so she doesn’t get raped in the future. Because the guy who just rationalized why it was okay for him to violate her physical boundaries is definitely the dude who should be running an impromptu class on sexual violence awareness. Abby asks him to hold her until she falls asleep....