"You talkin' to me?"[Taxi Driver]FLAMANGO- 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多2万 6 2:40 App 经典港片电影越看越上瘾…… 2万 2 7:53 App 女孩为了进宫复仇,竟然去青楼学了阿威十八式,皇上夜夜笙歌!爆款吻戏短剧《妖妃在上》 2925 4 6:11 App 港片精选,查理经典之作 238 -- ...
进入到最低限度的歇斯底里状态,不要去质问“You talking to me ?
You Talkin' to Me?: Dirigido por Charles Winkler. Com Jim Youngs, James Noble, Mykelti Williamson, Faith Ford. A young actor's fascination with Robert De Niro's "Taxi Driver" persona leads him into a morass of strange and obsessional behaviors.
You Talkin' to Me? 喜剧 麦凯尔泰·威廉逊 /布莱恩·汤普森 /Kris Bergen 1987-09-25美国上映 / 97分钟 看过 简介 A young actor's fascination with Robert De Niro's "Taxi Driver" persona leads him into a morass of strange and obsessional behaviors....
简介 A young actor's fascination with Robert De Niro's "Taxi Driver" persona leads him into a morass of strange and obsessional behaviors. 剧照全部2张 影片资料 家长引导 本片在美国的评级为【R】,未满18岁的观众需在家长的陪同下观看。
The article reports on notable quotations, interviews, and archive pieces related to the motion picture "Taxi Driver" that are published in the book "Taxi Driver: Photographs by Steve Schapiro."EBSCO_AspSight & Sound
I'll be back 自从阿诺•施瓦辛格说过这句,此话就成为终结者的招牌,灰太狼每次被打败后,就爱引用此句。You talkin' to me? 自从当年Robert De Niro在《出租车司机 Taxi Driver》(1976)中拿枪对着镜子说出这句话,这句就成了经典,在挑衅时说,尤其有气势 ...
14. Taxi Driver - "You talkin' to me?" Legendary actor Robert De Niro hasappeared in countless moviesthroughout his career. Some have been good; some have been, well, not so good. One of his best films, though, must be Martin Scorsese'sTaxi Driver, which was selected by the Library ...
碟名:You talkin' to me? 来自1976年的电影《Taxi Driver》中Travis Bickle(由罗拔·迪尼路饰演)经典对白。 歌曲简介: 01. 地球很危险 (第一主打;作曲:John Laudon 填词:林夕) 歌名由来:电影<少林足球>中周星驰对赵薇所说的经典对白「地球很危险,快回火星吧!」 02. 没有脚的小鸟 (第二主打;作曲:朱...
Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated that pragmatic interpretations are systemati- Introduction In a famous scene in the movie Taxi Driver, Robert DeNiros character repeatedly utters, You talkin' to me. As he changes pitch contours, the ... C Kurumada,M Brown,MK Tanenhaus 被引量: 44发表: 2012...