Tucho the taxi driver does the "Talkin' to me?" routine in front of a mirror Hysterical (1982) De Niro lookalike does the "Are you talking to me" scene while driving a taxi. Xing ji dun tai (1983) A private detective in drag imitates Robert DeNiro in TAXI DRIVER by talking to himse...
There are undercurrents in the film that you can sense without quite putting your finger on them. Travis’ implied feelings about blacks, for example, which emerge in two long shots in a taxi driver’s hangout, when he exchanges looks with a man who may be a drug dealer. His ambivalent ...
Shone, Tom. ‘HowTaxi DriverRuined Acting’,The Economist 1843, 6 May 2016,https://www.1843magazine.com/culture/the-daily/how-taxi-driver-ruined-acting[Accessed 20 May 2020]. Wilson, Steven. ‘You Talkin’ to Me?’,Ransom Center Magazine, 13 October 2016,https://sites.utexas.edu/ransomc...
Similarly to Joker, 1976’s Taxi Driver is a character study that focuses on a central protagonist for the duration of the film, and it’s arguably one of cinema’s most iconic. Please welcome to the stage, Travis Bickle. ‘You talkin’ to me?’ In one of Robert De Niro’s best rol...
James spins the wheel for a scene remake in the silent film genre. When it lands on Taxi Driver, he knows he has his work cut out for him. This silent parody gives new meaning to "You talkin’ to me?"» Watch The Next Ep. Here: http://goo.gl/t6ZspD» Subscribe To AOL Ori...
3:46 Desert Eagle .50 AE 5 人观看 4:17 1001 способпройтивметробесплатно 45 人观看 Taxi Driver Scene 33 人观看 13年前 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Amanzholov Meir 567个粉丝 Robert De Niro - You talkin' to me?
There are several memorable scenes in the film, including of course: "Are you talkin' ta me?" But my favorite scene is the one where Bickle seeks advice from an older cabbie called Wizard, played by Peter Boyle. Bickle explains to Wizard that he feelsdown, that he wants to go out and...
As part of "Inappropriate Musicals," the three also put on musical performances of 'Taxi Driver' and 'The Shape of Water.'
and that is what happens when you try to force a color into an image that really isn't present. This Blu-ray release is actually closer to what it looked like in 1976 than any previous home video release, and not just for the color. The well-know "you talkin' to me" scene, for ...
he practices drawing his guns while standing in front of a mirror, at one point repeating the question, “You talkin’ to me?” to an imaginary adversary. Soon after this disturbing scene, Travis interrupts a robbery in a convenience store and shoots the offender, killing him. Surreally, the...