you are one to talk翻译结果 'you are one to talk' 可以翻译为“你才是应该说话的人”或者“你倒说起话来了”。 应用场景这个表达通常用于对话中,表示对方才是应该发表意见或者评论的人,有时带有轻微的讽刺或调侃意味,指出对方在某种情况下才有发言权或评论资格。 造句例...
You're one to talk你丫还好意思说 #英语口语 #学英语 #每日英语 #看电影学英语 #max - Bunny说于20220211发布在抖音,已经收获了109.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
You're one to talk.你好意思说别人。 作者赞过 1年前·上海 1 分享 回复 往后余生 ... You want to talk 作者赞过 1年前·广东 1 分享 回复 钱冠清 ... You want to talk safe you want to talk safe you want to talk safe You want to talk thief you want to talk thief you want to ta...
2. [you are one to talk] 你还说别人;你还不是一样 A: Those kids are no good. B:You're one to talk, considering all the trouble you caused when you were young. - 那些小孩儿好坏呀。 - 你还说别人,想想你小时候闯的那些祸。 ▼...
2.You are one to talk. 你还敢说。 3.Never put me in the middle. 不要让我左右为难。(你认识到小两口吵架的状况awful) 4.I get your point. 我明白你的意思了。 5.She rocks! 她很厉害。 6.The guy's mean! 他很恶劣。(mean绝对地道) ...
You're a fine one to talk. 我们还可以说: Look who's talking. 哎哟,看看谁在说别人呢。 Someone can talk. 真能BB。 都可以表示:你也做了一样的事儿,还好意思说我? They are used to tell sb. that they should not criticize sb. else for sth. because they do the same things too. ...
"you are one to talk"是一句常用的口语表达,意为“你有资格说这话吗?”或者“你来说这话合适吗?”。这句话通常用来指责对方说话言过其实或者自相矛盾。通过这句话,人们表达了对对方言论的怀疑和质疑,让对方反思自己的言行一致性和合理性。这句话常常用于讽刺或者挑战对方的言论,表达出对话者的不满或者不信任...
"You're one to talk" is an idiom that means the person you're speaking to is guilty of the same thing they are criticizing you for, often used sarcastically to point out hypocrisy. Example: Your friend is criticizing you for being messy, but their room is even messier. You could say,...