you are one to talk翻译结果 'you are one to talk' 可以翻译为“你才是应该说话的人”或者“你倒说起话来了”。 应用场景这个表达通常用于对话中,表示对方才是应该发表意见或者评论的人,有时带有轻微的讽刺或调侃意味,指出对方在某种情况下才有发言权或评论资格。 造句例...
"You're one to talk" 是一种口语化的表达,用来表示对方没有资格或资格不够来批评别人,因为他们自己也有同样的问题或缺点,常常用于讽刺或讽刺的语境中,可翻译为“你还好意思说呢?”或“你不也是一样吗?” 1年前·广东 192 分享 回复 王哪写(每日易错单词挑战版) ...
You want to talk You are going to talk You are gonna talk You want to talk You are fun to talk 2年前 1 分享 回复 zhang three ... 找个人用英语电话或者微信语音聊天 2年前 1 分享 回复 Hi坤坤 ... you are one to talk 2年前 ...
A: Nancy is too lazy. She sleeps way too much. B: You’re one to talk! You didn’tgetupuntil noon today. 词汇讲解 1. way adv. 大大地,远远地 This skirt iswaytoo short. 这条裙子太短了。 2. [you are one to talk] 你还说别人;你还...
you are one to talk.逻辑-概述说明以及解释 1.引言 1.1概述 在文章"You are one to talk."中,我们将探讨一种普遍的社交现象,即当一个人指责他人某种行为或特征时,却自身也存在同样或类似的问题。这种行为常被称为“你有什么资格说话”或“你自己也不怎么样”的现象。 在本文中,我们将从定义、举例说明和...
Old lady: We'd like the first course, pronto. Max! Look alive.Max:You're one to talk.-我们希望马上上第一道菜。麦克斯,别一副死人样。-彼此彼此。 要表达这类似意思 我们还可以用这个表达: join the club 字面意思虽然是 “加入俱乐部”
You're a fine one to talk. 我们还可以说: Look who's talking. 哎哟,看看谁在说别人呢。 Someone can talk. 真能BB。 都可以表示:你也做了一样的事儿,还好意思说我? They are used to tell sb. that they should not criticize sb. else for sth. because they do the same things too. ...
"You're one to talk" is an idiom that means the person you're speaking to is guilty of the same thing they are criticizing you for, often used sarcastically to point out hypocrisy. Example: Your friend is criticizing you for being messy, but their room is even messier. You could say,...
you are one to talk口语you are one to talk口语 正文: 'You are one to talk' is a common English idiom used to express irony or hypocrisy. It is often used in a conversation when someone criticizes or points out a flaw in another person, even though they themselves have the same flaw ...