流行的搜索引擎YOU宣布了一款新的 AI 聊天机器人。 这个名为 YouBot 的聊天机器人基于 You.com 开发的大型语言模型。 它旨在帮助用户更轻松地在 You.com 网站上查找信息。 由于在理解自然语言和实时访问网络数据方面的卓越性能,YouBot 在多项测试中已经超越了 ChatGPT。 聊天机器人仍处于测试阶段,但任何人都可...
YouTube音乐AI孵化与ChatGPT强大插件 在科技日新月异的今天,人工智能(AI)正以前所未有的速度改变着各行各业,音乐创作领域也不例外。YouTube近日宣布推出音乐AI孵化器(Music AI Incubator)项目,旨在与艺术家携手共进,探索AI在音乐创作上的无限可能性。与此同时,ChatGPT作为AI领域的佼佼者,其强大的插件系统也为用户...
There's a new AI bot:ChatGPT,and you'd better pay attention,even if you aren't into artificial intelligence.The tool is(1) anAI chatbot system that OpenAI released in November 2022 to show off and test what a very large,powerful AI system can achieve. ChatGPT remembers the thread(主线...
Welcome to Chat AI & Generator, the chatbot that uses the latest in natural language processing technology to have intelligent and engaging conversations with y…
百倍股诞生在ChatGPT的田野里, A person who’s using AI will replace you, AI不会取代你,一个使用AI的人会取代你, 陈经—— 近期,OpenAI开发并发布了一款新型自然语言处理(NLP)聊天机器人工具——ChatGPT。它被广泛视作未来人工智能在用户体验方面的领先者,备受世界瞩目。人们关心,ChatGPT可能对就业市场产生...
ChatGPT is the new conversational AI chatbot that has taken the world by storm. It’s an incredible tool for many industries, but especially for creators. I’m excited to introduce you to ChatGPT, open your mind to the possibilities ofhow you can use ChatGPTas a creator, and share some...
Do you think using ChatGPT for your homework is cheating?tool/tu:l/n.工具survey/'s3:vei/ n.调查ban/baen/v.禁止cheat /tfi:t/ v.作一、根据短文内容,选择正确答案。ChatGPT is a(n) A. real robot B. smart tool C. AI book The American teachers the students to use ChatGPT do their ...
Welcome to Chat AI & Generator, the chatbot that uses the latest in natural language processing technology to have intelligent and engaging conversations with y…
(A)ChatGPT是一款人工智能聊天程序。 阅读材料,完成下列各题。Do you know ChatGPT? It is a clever AI chatbot. It can talk with people, write songs, draw pictures and so on.Can students use it for their homework? In Australia, some schools ban it on school computers. Teachers worry that ...