Web运行模式 (WebPlayMode) 自定义运行模式 (CustomPlayMode) 编辑器模拟模式 (EditorSimulateMode) 在编辑器下,不需要构建资源包,来模拟运行游戏。 注意:该模式只在编辑器下起效 privateIEnumeratorInitPackage() { varbuildResult=EditorSimulateModeHelper.SimulateBuild("DefaultPackage"); ...
在编辑器下,切换为WebGL平台,然后以WebPlayMode模式运行游戏会报上面音频播放失败的错误。这个问题是引擎的问题,发布后网页上运行是正常了。 问题:编辑器下通过EditorSimulateMode模式运行,启动游戏的时候要卡很久 if(playMode==EPlayMode.EditorSimulateMode) ...
I have tried to update the Yootheme Pro from 4.4.20 to 4.5.5. After I did the update, there are problems with the search, which does not work anymore. In the screen the search is correct. To make the website work correctly again with the search function, I had to restore the old...
🐛 YOOtheme Pro 4.2 Bug ReportsI remember a few months ago when the previous beta of YOOtheme was released. I was "upset" bc they were saying that the YOOtheme button in Joomla's Dashboard was removed. But actually that was because it waseven better: that button was indeed removed ...
private string GetUnuseCachePathByBundleName(string fileName) { var filePath = $"StreamingAssets/WebGL/{fileName}"; return WX.GetCachePath(filePath); return result; } } #endif Loading Oops, something went wrong. Retry 0 comments on commit c0df366 Please sign in to comment. ...
if(_fileSystem.DisableUnityWebCache) { vardownloadhandler=newDownloadHandlerAssetBundle(_requestURL,0); #ifUNITY_2020_3_OR_NEWER downloadhandler.autoLoadAssetBundle=false; #endif returndownloadhandler; } else { // 注意:优先从浏览器缓存里获取文件 ...
D. Rankings 4. Settings A. Feedback B. Version update C. Clear cache D. Clear chat records E. Log out Plus Nouveautés Historique des mises à jour Version 2.1.11 support bluetooth config Confidentialité de l’app Consulter les informations Le développeur Smyoo IoT Co.,Ltd a indiq...
Clear your local DNS cache to make sure that you grab the most recent cache that your ISP has. For Windows - (Start > Command Prompt > type "ipconfig /flushdns" and hit enter). For details choose your operating system : If you can access a website at office or from a 3G network...
一. 简介 Memcached是一个自由开源的,高性能,分布式内存对象缓存系统。它是一个简洁的key-value存储系统。通过缓存数据库查询结果,减少数据库访问次数,以提高动态Web应用的速度、提高可扩展性。 二. 安装 环境:Linux 安装命令: (1)安装libevent库:yum insta
<artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-tomcat</artifactId> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> ...