实验结果表明DPNet在检测精度和实现效率之间实现了最先进的平衡。具体而言,DPNet在MS COCO测试开发平台上实现了30.5% AP,在Pascal VOC 2007测试集上实现了81.5% mAP,模型尺寸接近2.5M, GFLOPs 1.04,对两个数据集的320 × 320输入图像实现了164 FPS和196 FPS。 1、简介 目标检测是计算机视觉领域的一项基本且具有...
实验结果表明DPNet在检测精度和实现效率之间实现了最先进的平衡。具体而言,DPNet在MS COCO测试开发平台上实现了30.5% AP,在Pascal VOC 2007测试集上实现了81.5% mAP,模型尺寸接近2.5M, GFLOPs 1.04,对两个数据集的320 × 320输入图像实现了164 FPS和196 FPS。 1、简介 目标检测是计算机视觉领域的一项基本且具有...
The weight file of the improved model was less than 1/6 in size, the twice faster detection speed, the 339 less layer number of the model, and the computational cost of 20.2% in GFLOPs, compared with the YOLOv4. In conclusion, the YOLOv4-tiny-X presented the ...
The accuracy of our model can finally reach 61.75%, while the total Params is only 9.3 M and GFLOPs is 11. At the same time, the inference speed reaches 87 FPS on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti, which can meet the requirements of the infrared target detection algorithm for the embedded ...
.. yolov4 summary: 440 layers, 60466580 parameters, 0 gradients, 130.9 GFLOPs Class Images Labels P R mAP@.5 mAP@.5:.95: 100%|██████████| 56/56 [00:36<00:00, 1.53it/s] all 5297 59814 0.608 0.00951 0.00289 0.000565 small-vehicle 5297 10828 0.00134 0.00803 0.000257 5.39...
实验结果表明DPNet在检测精度和实现效率之间实现了最先进的平衡。具体而言,DPNet在MS COCO测试开发平台上实现了30.5% AP,在Pascal VOC 2007测试集上实现了81.5% mAP,模型尺寸接近2.5M, GFLOPs 1.04,对两个数据集的320 × 320输入图像实现了164 FPS和196 FPS。