#install key dependenciespip install mmdetection==3.0.0 mmengine transformers#clone the repogit clone https://xxxx.YOLO-World.gitcdYOLO-World#install mmyolomkdir third_party git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmyolo.gitcd.. 2. Preparing Data ...
YOLO-World 目前正在积极开发中📃,如果你有建议或者想法💡,我们非常希望您在Roadmap中提出来 ️! FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) We have set up an FAQ about YOLO-World in the discussion on GitHub. We hope everyone can raise issues or solutions during use here, and we also hope that everyo...
YOLO-World is developed based ontorch==1.11.0mmyolo==0.6.0andmmdetection==3.0.0. Clone Project git clone --recursive https://github.com/AILab-CVC/YOLO-World.git Install pip install torch wheel -q pip install -e. 2. Preparing Data ...
Export YOLO-World to ONNX models You can also useexport_onnx.pyto obtain the ONNX model. You might specify the--custom-textwith your ownText JSONfor your custom prompts. The format ofText JSONcan be found indocs/data. PYTHONPATH=./ python deploy/export_onnx.py path/to/config path/to...
I then manually deleted the above installation and installed again via manager this time. I don't notice any error (such as the above mentioned incompatible protobuf error), but the exception thrown by "Convert mask to image" node persists and the detection of yolo-world still doesn't happen...
2024年1月31日,腾讯人工智能实验室发布了其突破性模型,名为YOLO-World,这是一款先进的工具,能够在实时环境中跨越开放词汇表识别对象,无需先前的训练。 YOLO-World通过简单的提示输入,实现对任何对象的识别。要访问该模型,请访问YOLO-World的GitHub页面。
git clone https://github.com/AXERA-TECH/ONNX-YOLO-World-Open-Vocabulary-Object-Detection.git 图片检测模型 部署模型 适合用于 AXera NPU 工具链Pulsar2模型转换的 ONNX 模型 下载yolov8s-worldv2.pt 使用yoloworld/ModelExporter_ax.py更新yoloworld/ModelExporter.py ...
配置好本地config之后,用8卡混合精度训练,报错如下,反向传播过程中出现问题, Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/quchunguang/003-large-model/bowen/YOLO-World-master/./tools/train.py", line 120, in main() File "/home/quchunguang/003-large-model/
1. The evaluation results of APfixed are tested on LVIS `minival` with [fixed AP](https://github.com/achalddave/large-vocab-devil). 2. The evaluation results of APmini are tested on LVIS `minival`. 3. The evaluation results of APval are tested on LVIS `val 1.0`. 4. [HuggingFace...
YOLO-World 目前正在积极开发中📃,如果你有建议或者想法💡,我们非常希望您在Roadmap中提出来 ️! FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) We have set up an FAQ about YOLO-World in the discussion on GitHub. We hope everyone can raise issues or solutions during use here, and we also hope that everyo...