对于SRCURI变量中的本地文件(比如说file://xxx文件),OE构建系统将会把这个些文件的校验和(checksum)用于配方并且把这个校验和作为签名供do_fetch任务检查,如果本地文件被修改了,do_fetch任务和其他依赖此的任务都会被重新执行。译者注: 在yocto的参考手中的checksums章节提到,这里的checksum校验和可以理解为就是签名的...
bb文件里指定了以下几个变量的值: SRC_URI LIC_FILES_CHKSUM:这个是checksum,假设是基于版本号管理的source,那么不须要,比如git与svn FILES_$(PN):PN是Package number,指代软件版本号使用的PV与PR结合表示,即前面bitbake -s中看到的3-r0 还有两个方法,这2个方法重载了bitbake中默认方法: do_compile do_install...
获取并解包源代码后,BitBake将查找补丁文件并将其应用于源文件: do_patch任务会使用配方的SRC_URI语句和FILESPATH变量来定位适用的补丁文件。 补丁文件的默认处理文件具有*.patch或*.diff文件类型。可以使用SRC_URI参数来...
(e.g. you have upgraded to a new version without updat ing the checksums) then you can use these lines within the recipe:\nSRC_URI[model-license.sha256sum] = "7c34d28e784b202aa4998f477fd0aa9773146952d7f6fa5971369fcdda59cf48"\nOtherwise you should retry t he download and/or check ...
ERROR: /home/rmt/sources/meta-imx/meta-bsp/recipes-graphics/imx-gpu-viv/imx-gpu-viv_6.4.11.p2.2-aarch64.bb: Unable to get checksum for imx-gpu-viv SRC_URI entry imx_icd.json: file could not be foundThe following paths were searched:/home/rmt/sources/meta-imx/meta-bsp/recipes-...
- Kernel, drivers and embedded Linux - Development, consulting, training and support - https://bootlin.com 102/326 The source locations: local files ▶ SRC_URI items using the file:// scheme are local files ▶ They are not downloaded, but rather copied from the layer to the work ...
WARNING: XXX/yocto/build/../layers/meta-toradex-nxp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-toradex_5.4-2.3.x.bb: Unable to get checksum for linux-toradex SRC_URI entry preempt-rt.scc: file could not be found WARNING: XXX/yocto/build/../layers/meta-toradex-nxp/recipes-kernel/linux/linux...
that method is not always practical for small sets of features or for quick testing of changes. These other flows use .scc files on the SRC_URI. It has been noted that config fragments or other features indirectly included by those .scc files will not trigger the kernel meta-data to be ...
1、config 中 index.js修改以下代码 useEslint: false, 2、万能方法,就是在报错的JS文件中第一...
SRC_URI = "file://helloyocto.c" S = "${WORKDIR}" do_compile() { ${CC} helloyocto.c ${LDFLAGS} -o helloyocto } do_install() { install -d ${D}${bindir} install -m 0755 helloyocto ${D}${bindir} } 四.單獨編譯此recipe ...