recipe使用的tarball的结构类似我们在第六部分写的recipe源码树的结构, 细微的差别是针对tarballs, SRC_URI变量现在指向本地的tarball。 在接下来的示例中,我们应用cmake进行编译。 针对本地tarball创建recipe 创建recipe占位符 第六部分中我们在yocto layer meta-test中创建了名为hwlocal的recip,目录结构如下: 现在我们...
SRC_URI指明仓库源码树的地址与协议 我们看到这个recipe文件与上一篇文章最大的不同是对PV的变量赋值。上次我们了解到PV是recipe的版本号。它看起来是x.y.z这样的格式。 本篇中对于基于git的recipe,PV的生成方式如上所示。这里,SRCPV是另一个帮助我们定义PV的变量。正如在Yocto文档中提到的,SRCPV本身在meta/conf...
I want to use local kernel source to replace the git source in linux-ti-glsdk_3.8.bb. How to modify the bb file to achieve? My wrong config like below: #SRC_URI = "git://git.omapzoom.org/kernel/omap.git;protocol=git;branch=${BRANCH} \ SRC_URI = "file:...
版本 extjs 7.4.0 classic 源码 ext-classic/src/form/field/Base.js // 初始化事件时将onField...
I use yocto project in my imx6 broad,and I build local git server.However, I encountered a problem: in yocto .bb file such as u-boot-imx_2015.04.bb file UBOOT_SRC ?= "git://git.freescale.com/imx/uboot-imx.git;protocol=git" SRC_URI = "${UBOOT_SRC};branch=${SRCBRANCH}" but...
SRC_URI += " \ file://defconfig \ file://git/arch/arm/boot/dts/fpa1000.dts \ " 2. using config frame, it is better to use patch file, but now I use the whole file The config framement must be *.cfg. copy the *.cfg to the destination folder (linux-imx-4.9.88/poky), and...
.. code-block:: bash SRC_URI = "git://path/to/repo.git;branch=main" S = "${WORKDIR}/git".. _D:D =The destination directory. The location in the Build Directory where components are installed by the do_install task. This location defaults to:.. code-block:: bash...