有一类笑话,叫YO MAMA JOKES。想象两个小男孩在学校操场对骂,你来我往花样百出,攻击的对象都是对方的MAMA。 Yo Mama's so stupid she failed a survey.你老妈真傻,连调查问卷都能考砸。 Yo Mama's so fat, when she backs up she beeps!你老妈真胖,她连退后都要用倒车雷达。 Yo mama so fat when ...
Yo Mama Jokes Yo mama Jokes, including yo mama so fat, yo mama so stupid, so poor, so ugly, so nasty, so lazy, so tall, so bald, and many more yo mama jokes. Location:Clean Jokes> Yo Mama jokes Joke Links: [Top Ten Lists|Jokes|Math Jokes] ...
THE COMPLETE LIST OF FUNNY yo momma JOKES:1 - Yo Mama's so fat that while she's sits on the beach, the lifeguard comes up to her to say, "Excu... More ›› 2 - Yo Mama is so fat...when she took her shirt off at the strip club,everyone thought she was Jab... More ...
Yo mama so ugly, she was an extra in Michael Jackson’s Thriller video… but she wasn’t wearing any makeup! Yo mama so fat even Meghan Trainor made an exception and called her "treble". Yo mama's so old, she knew the Beatles when they were the New Kids on the Block. Yo mama ...
Yo Mama So Fat… Your friend’s mama have more to love? You’ll love these jokes. Yo Mama So Short… Your friend’s mama vertically challenged? These jokes are for you. Yo Momma So Old… Your friend’s momma over the hill? She’ll love these jokes!
外部播放此歌曲> Ringtone Records - Yo Mama Jokes 专辑:Yo Mama Jokes 歌手:Ringtone Records 还没有歌词哦
Yo momma so hairy she shaves with a weed wacker. More Funny Yo Mama Jokes Yo Mama So Fat Jokes Yo mama so fat her belly button gets home 15 minutes before she does. Yo momma so fat her idea of dieting is deleting the cookies from her internet cache. ...
Yo Mama Is So Fat... JokesThe Comedic Genius
Best Yo Mama Jokes - LITEYou Might Also Like Deutsche Witze XXL Entertainment Daily Roast Entertainment Joke · Die Witze App Entertainment Ouff Entertainment MegaLOL: Funny Videos & Memes Entertainment Dad Jokes & Funny One Liners Entertainment ...
The largest collection of yo momma jokes on the web. Yo mama is so fat, old, nasty, stupid and more.